Shropshire Council

Data files of senior manager information

As part of the government's transparency agenda we're required to make specific information relating to senior managers available in a machine readable data file, on an annual basis at financial year end. This is to enable it to be re-used in accordance with the Open Government Licence. Our 'Open data licence' page gives details on how the data may be used.

In accordance with the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency the data includes the following information:

  • Senior employee salaries
  • Names (with the option for individuals to refuse to consent for their name to be published)
  • Budgets including the overall salary cost of staff reporting to each senior employee

‘Senior employee salaries’ is defined as all salaries of £58,200 and above (irrespective of post), which is the senior civil service minimum pay band.

A copy of the data is also provided in pdf format for general viewing.