Shropshire Council

What is Adult Social Care?

Our in-house social work and occupational therapy service, provides care and support for adults and their carers across Shropshire. This service is known as Adult Social Care.

Following the Care Act 2014, our aim is to enable people to live as independently as possible and for as long as possible within their community, leading active and fulfilled lives.

People access Adult Social Care for different reasons. It may be for themselves, as they're worried about their own situation, or are seeking guidance for a friend or family member.

As people are living longer and more people are living with long-term conditions, demands for social care rise each year. With the expectation to provide personal and flexible support for those needing services, the financial pressure also rises.

Here are the key principles of how Adult Social Care operates in Shropshire:

  • A focus on reducing dependence on paid support and enabling and maximising individual independence
  • Ensuring the service is responsive with quick decision making at the closest possible point to the person
  • Maximising the use of alternative forms of support in communities, and natural support provided by family and friends
  • A focus on the use of volunteers, particularly those who have experience of using services to support and advise others
  • A focus on supporting and enabling carers to continue with their vital role
  • To ensure that individuals entering Adult Social Care have a clear goal, where possible, to exit the service feeling a sense of achievement, greater independence and with clear aspirations moving forward

Use these pages to search for advice, support and information on local services. If you need further assistance, you can contact the First point of Contact Team (FPOC) on 0345 678 9044, who may direct you to services which can help, or direct you to a Let's Talk Local hub in your community.

If appropriate, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your situation in a safe and suitable environment with a professional social care practitioner. This may include having an assessment of your needs, or a reassessment of your needs if you already receive paid support, to maintain independence, safety and quality of life.

For more information on services, please take a look at the related links on this page.