Shropshire Council

Cambrian railway building restoration project

  • Period: 07 May 2024 - 28 June 2024
  • Status: Closed
  • Type: Public

The public are being invited to share their memories of the Cambrian Railway building in Oswestry, as part of work to help decide a viable future use for this historically significant building.

A public engagement about the future of the building is being led by heritage specialists Donald Insall Associates on behalf of Shropshire Council.

The Grade II-listed building, originally opened in 1866, is understood to have had multiple uses since it ceased operating as a railway station in 1966 and until it was acquired by Shropshire Council in 2005. The ground floor is currently let to Cambrian Heritage Railways, a local railway charity, and the first floor is vacant and unlet.

Due to deterioration, the building requires repair and a plan for sustainable future use.

Urgent exterior work, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and with match funding from Shropshire Council, is currently underway to make the exterior of the building safe and waterproof. Once that this is completed the council will lead internal work that is required to bring the building back into a suitable end use.

Funding has been secured to undertake more detailed building surveys and to commission a Conservation Management Plan (CMP). These surveys and the CMP are being undertaken in parallel to the essential external works before a recommended end-use(s) and business case is brought back to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet in the second half of 2024.

We want to hear your memories and stories about the building. To get involved click the 'How to get involved' tab on this page.


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