Resources and support
With around 250,000 items in stock, the School Library Service offers schools a wide, constantly changing choice of books and other resources. For every £100 invested up to £800 worth of resources and service can be accessed from the School Library Service. Here are some of the resources that are available to subscribing schools:
- Topic resource collections
- Fiction collections
- Artefacts
- Storysacks
- Big Books
- Group reading sets
- DVDs
- Extensive art collection
Our online catalogue offers more information.
Advice and support
A good school library can have a real impact on learning and teaching. The School Library Service can help to make your library a vibrant, inspirational and enjoyable place where children and young people become independent learners and readers. Use School Library Service consultancy for:
- Advice on library refurbishment, resources and policy development
- Assessment of stock and advice on book purchase
- Library and skills training for pupils/students
- Effective provision for able, gifted and talented pupils
- Training of school library staff and pupil librarians
- Professional guidance on library staff recruitment, job descriptions, salaries and professional development.