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Meeting documents

Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership
Tuesday, 9th February, 2010

Meeting agenda for Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership

Tuesday 9th February 2010 at 10:00 AM in the Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms SY7 9PS

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1.  Welcomes and Apologies for Absence

2.  Note of Last Meeting and Matters Arising
To approve the notes of the last meeting held on 20 October 2009, and consider matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Report of Committee Officer is attached marked 2. (Note of AONB Partnership meeting 20 October 2009.pdf)
Contact Tim Ward (01743 252739)

3.  Draft Communications Strategy
To comment on a draft updated Communications Strategy for the AONB Partnership and how members can play a more active role in delivering it.
Report of AONB Manager is attached marked 3. (Draft Communications Strategy.pdf)
Contact Phil Holden (01588 674088)

4.  Shropshire Hills Woodlands Project
To receive a presentation from Brian Barker, AONB Partnership Woodlands Officer on the recently established Woodlands Project. For further information contact Brian Barker, Woodlands Officer. Tel 01588 674086.

5.  Low Carbon and Resilience
To receive a presentation from Phil Holden, AONB Partnership Manager and discuss issues arising. For further information contact Phil Holden, AONB Partnership Manager. Tel 01588 674088.

6.  Draft Sustainability Policy
To comment on a draft updated Sustainability Policy and Action Plan for the AONB Partnership.
Report of AONB Manager is attached marked 6. (Draft Sustainability Policy and Action Plan.pdf)
Contact Phil Holden (01588 674088)

7.  LEADER in the Shropshire Hills update
To receive an update on progress with LEADER.
Report of Leader Co-Ordinator is attached marked 7. (LEADER in the Shropshire Hills update.pdf)
Contact Pete Banford (01588 674089)

8.  Brief Updates
To receive brief updates on a range of matters from Phil Holden AONB Manager

9.  Dates of Next Meetings
The Partnership is asked to confirm the following dates for forthcoming meetings: Tuesday 22 June 2010 Tuesday 19 October 2010.

Committee Officer is Tim Ward
Tel: 01743 252739    Fax: 01743 252713

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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