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Issue - meetings

Capital Monitor 2016/17 Quarter 2

Meeting: 09/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 Capital Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Malcom Pate - Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Financial Strategy, Budget and Business Plan.


Report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer]


Contact: James Walton      Tel: 01743 258915


Additional documents:




i)             That net budget variations of £5.8m to the 2016/17 capital programme be approved, including cuts to capital receipts funded schemes of £4.4m; detailed in Appendix 1/Table 1 and the re-profiled 2016/17 capital budget of £60.2m.


ii)            That the re-profiled capital budgets of £43.1m for 2017/18 and £18.8m for 2018/19 and £1.8m for 2019/20 be approved as detailed in Appendix 1/Table 4. Including cuts to capital receipt funded schemes of £4.0m in 2017/18.


iii)           That the expenditure to date of £15.8m be accepted, representing 26% of the revised capital budget for 2016/17, with 50% of the year having elapsed.




The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Financial Strategy, Budget and Business Plan presented a report from the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer] detailing the Council’s current position on the 2016/17 to 2019/20 capital programme.  A Member commented that this report was also to be considered at the next meeting of the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee.


In answer to a Member’s query, the Director of Place and Enterprise stated that the Council was in the third year of a five year LED light replacement programme and was investing £150,000 per year into this initiative.




i)             That net budget variations of £5.8m to the 2016/17 capital programme be approved, including cuts to capital receipts funded schemes of £4.4m; detailed in Appendix 1/Table 1 and the re-profiled 2016/17 capital budget of £60.2m.


ii)            That the re-profiled capital budgets of £43.1m for 2017/18 and £18.8m for 2018/19 and £1.8m for 2019/20 be approved as detailed in Appendix 1/Table 4. Including cuts to capital receipt funded schemes of £4.0m in 2017/18.


iii)           That the expenditure to date of £15.8m be accepted, representing 26% of the revised capital budget for 2016/17, with 50% of the year having elapsed.




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