Issue - meetings
Council's New Target Operating Model (TOM)
Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9.)
9. Council's New Target Operating Model (TOM) PDF 1 MB
Lead Member – Councillor Lezley Picton, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Policy and Strategy, Improvement and Communications
Lead officer - Andy Begley
3.1.1 To note the
work being undertaken to resize the Council
3.1.2. To approve and endorse the proposed new ways of working and
sustainable plan for the future as set out from paragraph 7.15
3.1.3. To endorse the principles around which the new model for the
Council will be built as set out in Appendix 7
Meeting: 15/07/2024 - Transformation and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8.)
8. Council's New Target Operating Model (TOM) PDF 1 MB
To receive and scrutinise the report that sets out the Council’s new TOM report and clarifies the short-term arrangements that are being made, and begins to describe how the Council of the future will look and operate.