Issue - meetings
Temporary Accommodation Provision
Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 14.)
14. Temporary Accommodation Provision PDF 487 KB
Lead Member – Councillor Dean Carroll, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets
Lead officer – Laura Fisher
Additional documents:
- Appendix 3 Equality Assessment The Tannery May 24 v2, item 14. PDF 217 KB
- Appendix 2 Management plan for Tannery v5, item 14. PDF 253 KB
3.1 To approve, in line with the Medium-Term
Financial Strategy 2024/25 – 2028/29, the provision of
improved temporary accommodation provision, reducing the use of
B&B/hotel accommodation to realise General Fund revenue savings
in 2024/5 and 2025/6.
3.2 To approve the proposal to cease the previous business plan for
the use of Tannery East as student accommodation, in alignment with
the closure of the UCS function in Shrewsbury.
3.3 To note the proposal to submit a planning application for
change of use of the Tannery East residential offer from student
accommodation to use as temporary accommodation for homeless
people, for a three-year period.
3.4 To delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Homes and
Communities to seek planning approval for change of use of the
building and undertake any necessary changes to the management of
the accommodation.