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Issue - decisions

Local Authority Multi Academy Trust

12/04/2017 - Proposal to approve the establishment of the Shropshire Education Trust (a Local Authority Facilitated Multi-Academy Trust)



i)             That the development of the Shropshire Education Trust to sit outside of the Local Authority, be supported;

ii)            That Members and Trustees of the Shropshire Education Trust will include representation from the LA (capped at 19.99% under current legislation) and, if church schools are involved in the Shropshire Education Trust, representation from the Diocese

iii)           That the appointment of Members and Officers of the Shropshire Education Trust be approved in order to progress matters

iv)           That the initial start-up costs of the Shropshire Education Trust of up to £65,000 be met if the costs cannot be recovered in the event that the Trust is not viable

v)            That it be noted that further analysis in respect of the full extent of set up costs is underway, and that a follow up paper will be brought before Cabinet should additional set up costs be required in order to proceed to a proposal to the Regional Schools Commissioner.




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