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Issue - decisions

Redesign of Library, Customer Service Point, car park and public open space in Broseley

27/11/2015 - Future Management of Broseley Library and Library Car Park, and Customer Services Point and Maypole Green public open space

1  That the management of Broseley library and car park and the customer services point be transferred from Shropshire Council to Broseley Town Council from an agreed start date.  This agreement will run for three years and be supported by a contract between Shropshire Council and Broseley Town Council.


2.  That the management of the Customer Service Point be transferred from Shropshire Council to Broseley Town Council from an agreed start date, similarly supported by a three year contract.


3.  That authority be delegated to the Director of Commissioning in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business, ip&e, Culture and Commissioning (North) to take any further consequential decisions relating to the transfer of the library. 


4.  That authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Support to take any further consequential decisions relating to the transfer of the customer service point.


5.  That in principle, Broseley Town Council be granted a 125 year lease of the following assets, the library building, the library car park and Maypole Green public open space and that authority be delegated to the Head of Commercial Services to complete the appropriate due diligence including placing any open space notices as appropriate and to consider any objections; agree final terms of the lease and to complete the transaction.   


6.  That authority be delegated to the Head of Commercial Services to consider the transfer of the assets set out at Recommendation 2 (5) above both in the context of the General Disposal Consent 2003 (“the General Consent”) which permits local authorities to transfer land at less than their market value under appropriate conditions and ensure the transfer is in compliance with state aid rules.



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