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ePetition details

Save Bridgnorth New Market Buildings

We the undersigned petition the council to Uphold the Listed Buildings Act 1990 to restore the New Market Buildings, a grade II listed building in Bridgnorth that has fallen into a dangerous state of disrepair. If the owner does not make repairs within a reasonable timeframe, we call for a Compulsory Purchase Order to bring the building back into public ownership.

The New Market Buildings are a significant landmark in Bridgnorth that hold particular historical and architectural value. The building is grade II listed but has fallen into disrepair under the absentee owner who has left the building to crumble for over 10 years. Plans were drawn up to turn the building into a hotel, but this never came to fruition. Shropshire Council instructed the owner to make repairs and keep the exterior maintained to a high standard in 2018 but no significant work has been carried out. Masonry has been falling onto the pavement below, posing a significant safety risk. Repairs are needed urgently to save the building, but if the owner refuses or fails to engage, plans should be drawn up to Compulsory Purchase the building, potentially with the help of National Lottery funding or funding from elsewhere. The building could have many uses, with some suggesting it could be turned into a new library, food hall, theatre, or a mixed-use community hub.

This ePetition runs from 12/08/2024 to 12/02/2025.

1165 people have signed this ePetition.

Please note that you must live, work or study in the Council's area to sign up to a petition.


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