ePetition details
Sunday Bus Service Request in Shrewsbury
I, the concerned resident of Shrewsbury, by means of this
petition wish to urge, in the most immediate manner possible, that
Arriva Transport Company institute Sunday bus services in
Shrewsbury is a growing town with lots of diverse people who need
and rely upon the public transport as a means of getting around the
town to go to work, go shopping, and go out in the community. Due
to the fact that no bus services run on Sundays, residents have
been left to face many difficulties, especially for those with no
car. This petition shows a dire need for Sunday bus operations,
which are changes that call upon greater impacts in residents, the
environment, and commerce.
1. An Increasing Demand for Public Transport:
Shrewsbury has been growing fast these last years, seeing many new
residents, businesses, and visitors alike. Public transport demand
has grown with it, especially on Sundays, a day on which many head
into the towns to work, shop, and attend various activities.
Without the services available this day, access is very limited for
those relying on public transport; thus, full participation in the
community for all is rather difficult.
For instance, many residents rely on buses to go to different
places, like shops, restaurants, and places of employment. The lack
of a reliable Sunday bus service is not only an inconvenience for
those people who need to travel but also a disincentive for
visitors to come to Shrewsbury. Arriva need to realize that Sunday
bus services are less of a convenience than a necessity for the
well-being of our community.
2. Economic Impact:
Shrewsbury economy gains considerably from Sunday shoppers and
visitors. Most private businesses within the town operate on
Sundays, offering services to people who seek shopping, dining, and
recreational activities. However, without a reliable bus service,
many residents find it difficult to visit and enjoy Sunday
The commercial viability of Sunday bus services is clear. If Arriva
were to operate buses on Sundays from early morning until at least
18:00, this would facilitate a possible greater footfall to local
businesses, ensuring higher sales and better economic stability for
Shrewsbury. Many residents have suggested that they would
definitely use bus services provided, thus indicating an apparent
demand that Arriva can take advantage of.
3. Environmental Considerations:
Due to a lack of Sunday public transportation, many residents are
compelled to use private means of transportation. This contributes
not only to increased congestion but also to environmental
pollution. Promotion of public transport would not only relieve
these aspects but add to broader environmental policies as
It is here that Arriva would play a major role in promoting
sustainable transport solutions and reducing carbon emissions from
individual car use by offering Sunday bus services. This is also in
line with the commitment of Shropshire Council to environmental
sustainability and increasing the quality of life for its
4. Inadequate Alternatives:
Travelers from Shrewsbury to nearby towns like Telford have to put
up with delays in travel. For instance, the first train from
Shrewsbury to Telford leaves on Sundays at 9.12 a.m.; for many
people, that is quite late to get to their workplaces. This is
intolerable for those whose workplaces demand that they report to
work before then.
In addition, if the bus services operated earlier on Sundays,
residents could rely on public transport to reach their
destinations in time. This would not only ease the burden on those
commuting but encourage more people to choose public bus transport
over private vehicles and contribute towards a more sustainable and
efficient transport ecosystem.
5. Discrimination against Shrewsbury Residents:
Why this should be happening, and Telford , a town next door has
Sunday bus services and Shrewsbury doesn’t, is beyond reason.
This literally raises concerns about fairness and equality within
public transport provisions. It’s expected that residents in
Shrewsbury have precisely the same service as in Telford.
By failing to offer Sunday bus services, I feel that Arriva are
discriminating indirectly against the people of Shrewsbury and
demeaning their status as the capital of Shropshire. In this
regard, it is highly important that Arriva takes no more time and
removes this discrepancy so that one and all get a fair deal in
public transport.
6. Community Well-being:
Public transportation is a critical link in our community-building
interactions and fostering inclusion. The lack of Sunday bus
service creates a huge impediment for those who want to go out and
be part of their community, visit friends and family, or travel to
needed services.
In fact, by instituting Sunday bus service, Arriva can indeed help
in improving the quality of life for all residents and contributes
to a better-connected, vibrant community. Such a commitment to
community well-being will foster goodwill among its residents and
solidify the Arriva-people of Shrewsbury relationship.
7. Conclusion:
I, the undersigned resident of Shrewsbury, consequently call upon
Arriva Transport Company and Shropshire Council to recognize the
urgent need to make Sunday bus services available in our town. The
reasons set out above demonstrate that such services are essential
if our community is to advance economically, environmentally, and
I believe that the introduction of a Sunday bus service starting
from early morning to at least 18:00 would not only address the
needs of the residents but would also have positive impacts on the
local economy and the environment. I thank you in advance for
considering this petition and look forward to your timely response
to the issues I have raised.
This ePetition runs from 24/11/2024 to 07/02/2025.
One person has signed this ePetition.