Shropshire Council

Shrewsbury flood barriers towpath closures

Shropshire Council work in partnership with the Environment Agency and Severn Trent Water to deploy the Shrewsbury Flood Defences which protect large areas of Shrewsbury town centre.

Although the deployment of these defences ensures that properties, businesses and transport infrastructure in Shrewsbury town centre remain unaffected and open for business, flooding from the River Severn will still impact some low-lying areas, including the River Severn towpaths.

In the interest of public safety, Shropshire Council close the River Severn towpath between the Quarry and the weir when the river levels are predicted to rise above 1.6m on the Welsh Bridge gauge. After this point, the towpath will be flooded and become impassable. Other sections of towpath around the theatre are closed at a level of 2.4m on the Welsh Bridge gauge. The current river level at the Welsh Bridge can be found by following this link.

Walkway flooded

Gates are located at several entry points. In some locations gates are not possible due to the need to maintain private access to property frontages. In these locations, warning signage will be erected. During a towpath closure, please use an alternate route for your journey.

Do not climb over the gates and attempt to use the towpaths. Although the towpath may not be flooded at this location, it is likely that other sections will be affected. Although river levels rise slowly, you may find it difficult to make your way back to safety.

Towpaths will remain closed until river levels sufficiently drop to a level when they can be re-opened. Should river levels be predicted to rise again quickly, Shropshire Council may choose to keep the towpaths closed for the duration of both flood events.