Shropshire Council

Housing allocations policy

  • Period: 09 May 2022 - 03 July 2022
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Housing
  • Type: Public

Shropshire Council’s housing allocations policy has been reviewed to ensure that those applicants in the greatest need are allocated social and affordable housing. In addition, the policy review has sought to prevent and tackle homelessness; promote independent living and reduce admissions to residential care; and enable key workers on low incomes to access affordable housing.

In order for us to ensure that those most in need are allocated social housing and that the policy also supports the delivery of strategic priorities, it's proposed to introduce a policy for the allocation of council housing (which is managed by STAR Housing) and nominations to housing associations for all tenures of affordable housing - social and affordable rented and low-cost home ownership properties - including supported housing. 

To ensure that we're meeting the local housing needs of those who are unable to meet their needs through the market, the draft revised policy contains qualification criteria relating to local connection, a financial assessment and unacceptable behaviour. 

With statutory exceptions relating to the armed forces, ex-service personnel, existing social tenants moving to employment in Shropshire, and people who need to move from another local authority area to escape domestic abuse or other forms of violence or harm, the proposed local connection is either residency (living in Shropshire for the last year), close family living in Shropshire, or being employed in Shropshire.

It's proposed that applicants who would be able to purchase or rent market priced housing within Shropshire which is suitable for their needs wouldn't qualify to be on the housing register. Therefore, the draft policy proposes that households with an income of £50,000 gross per annum or savings and assets (including equity in a property) of more than £200,000, or both, would not quality to be on the housing register. 

The draft policy also increases the number of bands from four to seven, thus allowing for greater differentiation in prioritising categories of applicants who are required to be given priority under housing legislation, and also recognising the needs of those applicants who may not be in a priority group recognised by legislation, but are still in housing need. For example, key workers in low-paid employment.


If you have any comments on the draft housing allocations policy please email:

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