Place plans and planning policy

The Shropshire Development Plan consists of the Core Strategy, Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan and ‘made’ formal neighbourhood plans. The Shropshire Development Plan identifies the vision, spatial strategy and policy framework for the future development of Shropshire. It addresses needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It also seeks to safeguard the built and natural environment, enables adaptation to climate change, and helps to secure high-quality and accessible design.

We lead on the implementation of the vision and spatial strategy within the adopted development plan, and are also required to review it at least every five years.

The Shropshire place plans provide an important source of local evidence on infrastructure needs and priorities, and helps us to understand the infrastructure that will be needed to support new development. In this way, the place plans form an important part of the evidence base for the production and implementation of the Shropshire Development Plan. They also form a material consideration within the planning application process – informing decisions on whether development proposals are supported by appropriate necessary infrastructure.

The place plans also inform the preparation of the Shropshire Strategic Infrastructure and Investment Plan (SIIP). This document identifies, prioritises and aligns the investment plans for strategic infrastructure providers in Shropshire, in order to provide an integrated approach and shared view of where investment and delivery is most needed to unlock Shropshire’s potential. As such, it supports delivery of both the Shropshire Development Plan and the Economic Growth Strategy.

The SIIP includes priority A and priority B projects identified within the place plan, alongside other strategic infrastructure priorities identified through Shropshire’s Strategic Infrastructure and Investment Network (SIIN) (which facilitates proactive engagement with organisations responsible for the planning, managing and delivery of strategic infrastructure).

You can find out more information on the Development Plan and the SIIP in our planning policy section.