Shropshire Council

Main modifications consultation

**On 18 June, the secretary of state published a written ministerial statement (WMS) regarding onshore wind turbine development, outlining new considerations to be taken into account by the planning application process. In applying these new considerations, suitable areas for wind energy development will need to have been allocated clearly in a local or neighbourhood plan. Find out more from the inspector's note to council.**

The Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan Schedule of Main Modifications is published for a six week consultation from Monday 1 June until 5pm Monday 13 July 2015.

The Inspector is inviting comments on the proposed Main Modifications as part of the examination into the Shropshire Council SAMDev Plan. The Main Modifications have been identified by the Inspector as those necessary to make the policies in the SAMDev Plan sound.  The Inspector will take account of all representations relating to the modifications before finalising her report to the Council. 

Please note that the Inspector is only inviting comments on the suggested Main Modifications. Comments that do not relate to a suggested Main Modification will not be considered.

Main modifications consultation