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Decision details

Revenue and Capital Outturn 2016/2017

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [Section 151 Officer] presented a report detailing the revenue and capital outturn position for Shropshire Council for 2016/17.




i.      That it be noted that the Outturn for the Revenue Budget for 2016/17 is an underspend of £1.023m, this represents 0.18% of the original gross budget of £568.8m.

ii.    That it be noted that the level of general balance stands at £14.827m, which is above the anticipated level.

iii.   That it be noted that the Outturn for the Housing Revenue Account for 2016/17 is an underspend of £1.417m and the level of the Housing Revenue Account reserve stands at £9.031m (2015/16 £5.824m).

iv.   That the increase in the level of Earmarked Reserves and Provisions (excluding delegated school balances) of £2.508m in 2016/17 be noted.

v.    That it be noted that the level of school balances stand at £6.280m (2015/16 £7.173m).

vi.   That net budget variations of £0.481m to the 2016/17 capital programme, detailed in Appendix 5/Table 6 and the re-profiled 2016/17 capital budget of £54.432m be approved.

vii.  That the re-profiled capital budgets of £80.529m for 2017/18, including slippage of £9.288m from 2016/17, £26.081m for 2018/19 and £2.320m for 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix 5 /Table 9, be approved.

viii.That the outturn expenditure set out in Appendix 5 of £44.986m, representing 83% of the revised capital budget for 2016/17, be accepted.

ix.   That retaining a balance of capital receipts set aside of £18.370m as at 31st March 2017 to generate a one-off Minimum Revenue Provision saving of £0.418m in 2017/18, be approved.



Publication date: 01/06/2017

Date of decision: 31/05/2017

Decided at meeting: 31/05/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 09/06/2017

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