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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND

Contact: Michelle Dulson  Committee Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions (9:30)


The following apologies were noted:


      Dr John Pepper – Chair, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG

      Patricia Davies – Chief Executive, Shropshire Community Health Trust

      Claire Parker – Director of Partnerships, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG


      The following substitutions were also noted:


      Mark Brandreth substituted for Dr John Pepper




Disclosable Interests (9:35)

Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.



No interests were declared.



Minutes of the previous meeting (9:37) pdf icon PDF 384 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2021 (attached).

Contact: Michelle Dulson Tel 01743 257719





      That the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2021 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Public Question Time (9:45) pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To receive any questions, statements or petitions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.  The deadline for this meeting is 9.30am on Tuesday 1 March 2022.



A question was submitted by Shrewsbury Friends of the Earth regarding air quality improvements.


The Chair read out the question and the Director for Public Health read out the response and stated that the response would be sent to the questioners and attached to the webpage for the meeting:
Agenda for Health and Wellbeing Board on Thursday, 3rd March, 2022, 9.30 am — Shropshire Council


The Board agreed that it would adopt a more proactive stance, and that Air Quality would be on the agenda at a future meeting.



System Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Telford & Wrekin (STW) ICS Involvement Strategy (10:00)

Report attached
Contact: Kate Manning, Senior Engagement and Communications Manager, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICS


Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) update (10:10)

Report to follow

Contact: Penny Bason, Head of Joint Partnerships, Shropshire Council and Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG



Joint Commissioning Board/Better Care Fund (BCF) (10:20)

Report attached

Contact: Laura Tyler, Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning, Shropshire Council and STW CCG


Additional documents:


Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin (STW) ICS Involvement Strategy

Kate Manning, Senior Engagement and Communications Manager, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICS gave a presentation (copy of slides attached to the signed Minutes) which covered the following areas:


·         Developing our approach to working with people and communities;

·         Integrated Care System (ICS)/ Integrated Care Board (ICB)/ Integrated Care Partnership (ICP);

·         Background & Context;

·         The journey so far;

·         Our draft principles for working with people and communities; and

·         Proposed next steps


The Senior Engagement and Communications Manager drew attention to the associated work which had been developing around involving people and communities.  She explained that the ICB as part of their constitution were required to develop a strategy which set out their intentions and their approach to involving people and communities.  This strategy needed to be finalised by the end of May 2022. 


Involvement would play a strong part across the different areas of the Integrated Care System, and the Integrated Care Partnerships and Place-based partnerships should have representation from people and communities in setting their priorities and in decision making forums.  ICBs were expected to use insight and intelligence about what people needed and their aspirations to support decision making and service quality improvement.


Following on from the work undertaken the previous year with the voluntary and community sector on the Memorandum of Understanding, 10 draft principles had been shaped that would sit at the start of the strategy.  She informed the Board that a workshop had been held the previous day with partners from across the system to test these principles and also shape the approach to involvement which would help inform the strategy going forward. 


In terms of next steps, they were continuing and have been over the last couple of months speaking and reaching out to the public and also different groups within communities, to find out and listen to them about their experiences of getting involved and how they want to be involved in the work and the future of the ICS.  They would also be collating everything they heard at the workshop and asking those that attended to make sure that what was heard from them was right before it informed the strategy and they wished this to be a continuous, ongoing engagement process.  They were proposing to organise a further workshop to really get into the ‘how’ they put their intentions into practical terms.


She confirmed that the national deadlines being worked towards were quite tight, the final draft of the strategy needed to be ready for submission to the NHSCI (NHS Improvement) by the end of May so they were hoping to take a draft of the strategy to the CCG Board by the end of April.


The Director of Public Health welcomed the engagement and the direction of travel as it was really important work that had to be at the heart of everything that was being done, particularly in the new ICS.  She stressed the importance of looking at how to engage representatives of their communities  ...  view the full minutes text for item 166.


Shropshire 2022-2027 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (10:30) pdf icon PDF 552 KB

Report attached

Contact: Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Officer, Shropshire Council 




Additional documents:


      Val Cross, the Health and Wellbeing Officer, Shropshire Council introduced her report (copy attached to the signed Minutes) which set out the findings from the consultation on the draft Strategy (available on the Council’s website) and identified the key areas requiring greater specific reference (set out at paragraph 3.3 of the report). 


      The Health and Wellbeing Officer then drew attention to the next steps (set out at paragraph 4 of the report) which included the Healthy Lives steering groups finalising the strategy priorities, a project management approach to monitoring progress of the strategy and the Health and Wellbeing Board identifying issues that may affect strategy implementation.


      Councillor Hurst-Knight thanked the Health and Wellbeing Officer for her report and welcomed the focus on children’s mental health. 




      That the final 2022-2027 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy be agreed and that the Health and Wellbeing Board take joint ownership for its progression and implementation.



Musculoskeletal Transformation Programme (10:40) pdf icon PDF 983 KB

Report attached

Contact: Kerry Robinson, RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital




Kerry Robinson, the Director of Performance, Improvement & OD

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation in relation to the Musculoskeletal (MSK) Transformation Programme (copy of presentation attached to the signed Minutes) which covered the following areas:


·         Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Overview of programme, Key data and Next Steps

·         Reasons for change

·         Phases of the Programme

·         Benefits

·         What’s happened so far

·         Road Map


The Director of Performance, Improvement & OD gave an overview of MSK services and explained that by simplifying the referral process and allowing staff to work in a more joined up way it was hoped to improve the patient experience. The programme would be delivered in three phases over five years and would see a clinically designed model of care with a single point of access.


She drew attention to the three phases of the programme and the benefits of one referral pathway and point of advice etc.  She reported that a number of partners had been working together on this and that it was hoped to implement the plan this year.



Uptake data for childhood routine vaccinations (10:50) pdf icon PDF 624 KB

Report attached

Contact: Rachel Robinson, Director of Public Health, Shropshire Council and Stephanie Jones, Healthy Child Programme Coordinator/ Public Health Development Officer


The report of the Healthy Child Programme Coordinator/ Public Health Development Officer introduced her report (copy attached to the signed Minutes) which informed the Board that the number of children receiving two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination had declined and no longer met elimination status requirements. 


The Healthy Child Programme Coordinator/ Public Health Development Officer reported that the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) had launched a campaign that ran between 1 February and 14 March in order to help support an increase in uptake and to boost confidence in the MMR vaccine.  It was stated that some children had only received one dose which meant that they were only partially covered so parents and carers were being encouraged to get their second or booster jabs.


An MMR elimination Action Plan had been drafted in 2019 for Shropshire and although some targets had been achieved, further work was required The Healthy Child Programme Coordinator/ Public Health Development Officer reassured the Board that the Action Plan was currently being reviewed.


Councillor Hurst-Knight thanked the Healthy Child Programme Coordinator / Public Health Development Officer for her report and requested that this item be brought back to Board to see how things were progressing with the more recent work.


Dr John Pepper reported that for Shropshire there was just under 9% of the total cohort yet to receive two doses which translated into 72 individuals.  He queried whether work could be undertaken to build on the successful approach to the covid vaccination programme.  The Head of Joint Partnerships confirmed that the MMR vaccination programme could be undertaken via the community outreach team using ‘Bob’ the bus and she agreed to connect them with the team outside of the meeting.




To note the contents of the report and to support the Action Plan and the work being carried out to improve awareness. 


To act as champions within their services and communities to further raise awareness and encourage immunisation uptake including supporting and sharing the recent UK Security Health Agency (UKHSA) campaign.



COVID-19 verbal update (11:00) pdf icon PDF 507 KB

Contact: Rachel Robinson, Director of Public Health, Shropshire Council


Rachel Robinson, the Director of Public Health for Shropshire Councilinformed the Board of the current position.  There had been a fall in recent weeks from a peak on 4 January.  However, Shropshire was still seeing upwards of 1000 new cases per week.  She reminded Members that Covid-19 had not gone away, and that Shropshire’s 7-day infection rate was 314 per 100,000 which was higher than the rate for both the West Midlands and England.


She reported that large numbers of cases were being seen in care homes, however these were being managed and were starting to fall due to continued testing and high infection control.  The Director of Public Health confirmed that any future variants would continue to be monitored very closely as we learned to safely live with Covid-19.




Chairman's Updates (11:05) pdf icon PDF 579 KB


The Chairman updated the meeting in relation to NHSE notifications of change of ownership for pharmacies and changes to Boots opening times.   These would be attached to the webpage for the meeting:
Agenda for Health and Wellbeing Board on Thursday, 3rd March, 2022, 9.30 am — Shropshire Council


Lynn Cawley from Shropshire Healthwatch updated the Board in relation to the work currently being undertaken along with future work as follows:


·         Hot Topic – IAPT service - priority looking at mental health;

·         Continued involvement in MSK Transformation;

·         Follow up of a previous piece of work around pain management;

·         It was hoped to bring their work on crisis mental health services for children and young people to the Board; and

·         Their annual event will have a focus on End of Life.




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