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Agenda item

Addressing Unmet Housing Need - Outline Business Case to Establish a Wholly Owned Local Housing Company

Report of the Director of Place is attached.


Contact Mark Barrow, tel 01743 258671.


It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development, Councillor R Macy and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder for Housing, Councillor D Carroll, that the report of the Director of Place on Addressing Unmet Housing Need – Establishment of a Wholly Owned Local Housing Company, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed. 


Members noted the work of the Housing Need Task and Finish Group.


Areas highlighted by Members included the need for rural affordable housing; the importance of accurate data when assessing housing need; the need for partnership working with larger landowners and town/parish councils; and concerns over delays in delivery caused by the planning process.  The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development reassured Members that these issues had been considered.


In response to a Member’s question the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development confirmed the intention to favour local companies where appropriate. 




i)       That the Business Case (Appendix B) to establish a Local Housing Company as a wholly owned Company Limited by Shares be approved.


ii)      That a sub-committee known as the Housing Supervisory Board with a politically balanced membership comprising nine Elected Members be established and delegate its functions as the Shareholder in the Local Housing Company to the Housing Supervisory Board in order to provide oversight of the company’s actions and performance on behalf of the Council as sole shareholder and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning & Housing Development, to draw up the terms of reference of the sub-committee in accordance with the governance arrangements set out in the report.


iii)     That the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Legal & Democratic Services; Director of Finance, Governance & Assurance; and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development, be authorised to determine and approve the appropriate Articles of Association for the company, the Shareholder Agreement between the Council and the company, the Reserved Matters, registration with Companies House, detailed Council governance structures in accordance with the governance arrangements laid out in this report and other such matters and agreements as required, to enable the establishment and ongoing operation of the Local Housing Company.


iv)    That the Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Director of Place, Director of Legal & Democratic Services and Portfolio Holder for Planning & Housing Development, be authorised to appoint the Directors of the Local Housing Company to include an external recruitment and employment by the Council if required. 


v)      That the Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to sign, on the Council’s behalf, any documents and resolutions to implement the recommendations approved by Council.


vi)    That the naming and branding of the Local Housing Company be delegated  to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning & Housing Development.


vii)   That the Business Plan (Appendix C) modelling two initial development sites noting that detailed Development Appraisals, funding arrangements and land transfers will be the subject of separate reports to enable the Local Housing Company to develop houses on Council owned land be approved.


viii)  That an initial unsecured loan of £250,000 to the Local Housing Company be authorised to provide funding for operating and set up costs, with authority delegated to the Director of Finance, Governance & Assurance to agree the terms of the loan in consultation with the Executive Director of Place.

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