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Agenda item

Land West Of Morda Bank, Morda, Shropshire (13/04845/FUL)

Mixed residential development of 65 dwellings; formation of new vehicular access and estate roads; associated infrastructure; landscaping and formation of public open spaces.




The Principal Planning Officer introduced the application, explaining that the application had been considered at the previous meeting at which Members had resolved that they were minded to refuse the application. 


Shropshire Council’s Senior Specialist, Planning Policy was in attendance and provided further explanation and clarification in relation to the SamDev Plan and the five year housing land supply.  He confirmed that the site was in the Council’s final version of the SAMDev Plan and overall the site was deemed to be fair in terms of sustainability.  The site was a deliverable site that would boost the Council’s housing land supply.  For these reasons officers advised that it would be difficult to defend a decision to refuse the application based on the principle of development on this site upon appeal. 


The Council’s Solicitor responded to concerns raised by Morda Residents Group, in relation to the decision that had been taken at the meeting on 3rd June 2014.  She explained that at the last meeting Members had expressed concerns in relation to the application and that because of these concerns they had resolved that they were minded to refuse the application, however officer’s advice was that the reasons put forward for refusal might not have been defendable upon appeal and so in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Constitution, Officers prepared a further report which addressed the concerns raised by Members and was before Members for consideration at this meeting.  


Mr John Abram, representing Morda Residents Group, spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees during which the following points were raised:


·         140 residents had submitted their written objection to the application;

·         Oswestry Rural Parish Council strongly opposed the proposals;

·         It was Morda Residents Group’s understanding that at the meeting on the 3rd June 2014 the North Planning Committee had resolved to refuse planning permission on this site;

·         The Group were alarmed at the recommendation in the Planning Officers report to grant delegated powers to the Planning Services Manager to grant planning permission; and

·         He urged Members to use their power as elected members to refuse the application.


Councillor Robert Milton, representing Oswestry Rural Parish Council, spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees during which the following points were raised:


·         Oswestry Rural Parish Council were firmly opposed to the application;

·         The fragile green space buffer zone should be retained;

·         No decision should be taken until the results of the ecological survey were made public and there had been a chance to comment; and

·         Large scale development was taking place within Morda and the village needed breathing space to review existing approved developments.


Mr Jon Rowson, the applicant, spoke for the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees during which the following points were raised:


·         The site was a preferred option site and they intended to deliver housing; and

·         The applicant’s ecological consultant was in negotiations with Shropshire Council’s ecology officers and was close to providing the information to allow officers to approve the application.


Some members expressed concern at the density of the development, however the majority of members, whilst sympathising with local residents and the Parish Council acknowledged that the principal of development on this site had been established within the SamDev document, which was at a very advanced stage and the site would be considered sustainable due to its close proximity to the market town of Oswestry.


Having considered the submitted plans for the proposal the majority of Members expressed their support for the Officer’s recommendation.



That the Planning Services Manager be granted delegated powers to grant planning permission, subject to;

·         The resolution of the outstanding ecology issue;

·         The Conditions listed at Appendix 1;

·         The applicants entering into a S106 agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing;

·         A financial contribution to provide speed visors on Morda Bank; and

·         A management plan for the future maintenance of the areas of public open space and the drainage swales.

Supporting documents:


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