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Agenda item

System Update

a. Outputs of the Shrewsbury Wellbeing Hub Engagement


Edna Boampong, Director of Communications and Engagement, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS)


b. How the ICS will work with Health and Wellbeing Board after July 2022


Nicky O Connor, ICS Programme Director, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS


c. Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) update


d. Joint Commissioning Board/Better Care Fund (BCF)


Laura Tyler, Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


e. Healthy Lives Update – Trauma Informed focus

Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager, Shropshire Council 




Outputs of the Shrewsbury Wellbeing Hub Engagement

The Board had received a paper, for information, on the outputs of the Shrewsbury Wellbeing Hub Engagement from Edna Boampong, Director Communications and Engagement, ICS.

The Board noted the report.
ICS Update

The Board received an update on the progress regarding ICS creation and governance arrangements for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Once established, the Integrated Care Partnership would produce an integrated care strategy for the area - focused on local needs at a place and neighbourhood level and informed by the Health and Wellbeing Strategies created by the two Health and Wellbeing Boards of Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, by Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and both Place Based Partnerships.

Nicola Dymond new in role as Director of Strategy and Integration (representing Simon Whitehouse at the meeting) gave her perspective on developments going forward and confirmed that she would attend both the Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin Health and Wellbeing Boards. A new Strategy Committee would be formed now that the ICB had been established an integrated plan developed. The Committee Structure would need to capture priorities and discussions and collate them into a truly system view for partners. Further consideration would be given to how best to work and align with Health and Wellbeing Boards, look for synergies and identify and use Place priorities.

It was hoped that by the time of the September Health and Wellbeing Board meeting that more detail would be available for discussion at the meeting.


To note the detail contained in the report

Support the approach for a strong ‘place based’ approach to integration

To support the ICP and HWBB working in partnership

Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) Update

An overview of the ShIPP meeting held on 16 June 2022 had been circulated for information and the Health and Wellbeing Board particularly noted the work underway to address key priorities including work around children and young people’s mental health, the development of metrics and the personalised care work.

Joint Commissioning Board/Better Care Fund

Laura Tyler, Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning introduced the report. New BCF guidelines were expected mid-July, timescales for making a return would be short, only a one-year plan was available. A demand capacity template would need to be agreed collectively. A review of themes and projects was underway, and a report would be brought to the next meeting. Work on a market sustainability plan was also underway and development of one Winter Plan across the social care and health system

It was intended to bring a report back to the September meeting on the VCSA infrastructure and how best to utilise community assets and Jackie Jeffery reiterated that the voluntary sector could move quickly to help within the system as it had during the pandemic. The Director of People reiterated that the VCSA was a full partner of the Health and Wellbeing Board. She also asked for information about social care reform and suggested the Board should be cited on these and the implications for Shropshire people in the year ahead. It would also be useful to review BCF performance in September, particularly considering the metrics related to admission avoidance and hospital discharges.

The Executive Director of Health, Wellbeing and Prevention also emphasised that outcomes were an important theme in the new system and prevention work was not just limited to the BCF.


To accept the report and endorse the work taking place

That the Board recognises the role of the VCSE in Shropshire and receives a report in future constructed jointly with the VCSE detailing the progress of infrastructure work and requesting discussion on medium- and long-term approach to ensuring the work can continue.

Healthy Lives Update Trauma Informed Focus

Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager, provided an update on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and Trauma Informed work which was currently underway. A steering group had been formed, chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Children and Education, to develop a co-ordinated, consistent approach across the whole system. The Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board had also recently joined the group.

In response to a question it was confirmed that in addition to screenings of the film Resilience the biology of stress and science of hope for ICS Members and Councillors, more wide-spread screenings of the film were under consideration.

The Board thanked Val for her enthusiasm in leading this work and she reported that more resource would be required to deliver at a larger scale and pace.

Ivan Powell, Independent Safeguarding Board Chair reported on work recently completed at Herefordshire Council on a thematic review of premature deaths of six people in which adverse childhood events and trauma had been a factor. He agreed to share links to that work with the Board.

The Executive Director of Place urged all Board members to return to their organisations and ensure as many colleagues as possible signed up for resilience training.


To receive the report and endorse this work as Board System partners



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