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Agenda item

Children and Young People Mental Health Partnership

To review progress in delivering the work of the children and young people's mental health partnership.


Claire Parker, Director of Partnerships and Millar Bowness, Head of Transformation and Strategic Commissioning, from Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group will provide a presentation to Members.


Report attached.


Members received a presentation from Millar Bowness and Claire Parker, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG, and Cathy Riley and Anna Deacon, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) on developing a whole system approach to children and young adults’ mental health. Members noted that there had been an avalanche of referrals in the last six months.


Members were advised of the iThrive model for delivering mental health services which focuses on people thriving. BeeU teams had been aligned around the model to deliver support including crisis resolution, community eating disorders service and ASD assessment team.


Members raised concerns regarding the lack of information about outcomes, the time it takes to receive support, the time it takes from triage to receiving care and the children who may have been left behind. Members were advised that this had previously been a poorly invested service but the work being carried out was encouraging. Further reports with data would be brought to future scrutiny meetings.


Members requested that a review of the support for looked after children in Shropshire is carried out and to investigate a different offer for them through the MPFT.


It was questioned whether support was available through school holidays. Members were advised that packages of care and interventions are available. There is a forward thinking team in place to ensure that provision for children and young adults continues. Clinics are also provided in some schools and further information regarding these would be sent to Members after the meeting.


It was agreed that a letter of support would be sent to the regional team echoing concerns as to the level of funding available to support placed looked after children to escalate through the NHS. Members noted that it was a challenge to hold the NHS to account and that the team would welcome members’ support.


Members queried the support available through BEAM and whether this was available for those in rural areas, where referrals were from and how many people were accessing the service. It was agreed that this would be brought back to a future meeting. Councillor Kevin Pardy would forward details of one case to that he had been made aware of where support was refused due to the amount of people accessing the service. Anna Deacon confirmed she would like into this.


Members were advised that there would be a focus on early intervention following an investment of £10million. It was queried whether a waiting list validation exercise could be carried out to reduce the current waiting times; waiting times which raised significant concerns.


Members queried the target for the 2022/23 NHSE Mental Health Long Term Plan of 7,516 Children and Young People to have at least one contact with commissioned Mental Health Services this year and the achievement rate of 70%. They queried whether the outstanding 30% was due to funding shortfalls and requested the percentage figure for those whose requests for support are declined. It was confirmed that a written response would be sent.


Members expressed their disappointed with the report that had been provided and advised that the report would be taken to Cabinet. It was stated that the report would not be accepted and that it should be presented to a joint meeting with Performance Management Overview and Scrutiny to include outcomes and performance data. It was agreed that the officers present would work much closer with scrutiny to get the information right, and to work with elected members to keep them better informed. A written report of waiting times was also requested.


Officers were thanked for their presentation and looked forward to receiving further updates and information requested.

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