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Abbey Foregate

Agenda item

Quality Premium Indicators 2015/16 - For Decision

A report is attached.


Contact Sam Tilley, Head of Planning and Partnership, Tel 01743 277500.



The Head of Planning and Partnerships, Shropshire CCG, introduced and amplified a report (copy attached to the signed minutes) on quality premium indicators which were intended to reward CCG’s for improvements in the quality of services they commission and for associated improvements in health outcomes and reductions in inequalities in access and in health outcomes.


The Chairman welcomed the report and asked if there would be an update on alcohol readmissions.  He was advised that a report on this would be made to a future meeting of the Board.


It was noted that the national metrics centred largely on the elderly and it was hoped that in the future a metric for children and young people might be introduced.




a) That the following national measures be approved by the Board;


Urgent and Emergency Care Measures


The CCG has opted for both measures Ai and B, allocating 20% and 10% of the quality premium payment to each measure respectively.


           Measure Ai - Avoidable Emergency Admissions Composite measure - a 
           reduction, or a zero per cent change, in the annualised trended change   
           in the Indirectly Standardised Rate of emergency admissions for these

           conditions over the 4 years 2012/13 to 2015/16. The CCG achieved an
           11.5% reduction against this measure in 2014/15 putting it is a very

           strong position to achieve this quality premium measure.

Measure B – DTOC performance has been worse in 2014/15 than in the previous year.

This allows a reasonable margin for improving performance in 2015/16 and achieving the measure


Following consideration the CCG felt it most appropriate to split the quality premium

payment across two measures, but to weight the proportion towards the strongest indicator.


Mental Health Measures


The CCG has opted for Measure A, allocating 30% of the quality premium payment to this measure.


Measure A Reduction in the number of patients attending an A&E department for a mental health-related need who wait more than four hours to be treated and discharged, or admitted, together with a defined improvement in the coding of patients attending A&E.


Local measures

The following indicators are recommended to the Health & Wellbeing Board for approval on the basis of their alignment to the Health & Wellbeing and Better Care Fund priorities, the ability to make progress in year and the data available:


People with diabetes diagnosed less than 1 year referred to structured education

Performance against this indicator allows room for improvement within 2015/16. Currently patients can be referred into the structured education programme by a GP, diabetic specialist or by self referral. The SCHT diabetic referral team currently record referrals and attendances and if this indicator is chosen this information can be shared on a monthly basis. This indicator alsobuilds on the processes used for the COPD indicator chosen for 2014/15 so we would be embedding knowledge and understanding for our patient groups but also embracing a culture of referral to education for our patients from our practices.  In addition, in year there are already plans to look at the way education is delivered for Diabetes and therefore this also aligns with our commissioning intentions and the national focus on Diabetes.


Hip Fracture: Multifactorial risk assessment of future falls

This work aligns to the work already in train for the prevention strand of the Better Care Fund. Our current performance allows room for improvement and a significant number of CCG’s are achieving 100%. There are proposals being considered for the further development of our falls provision which would support this indicator. However, some focused work with key provider staff to ensure the universal use of multifactorial assessment could increase our performance in this area without further investment.


b) That a report be made back to the Board on Alcohol Re-admissions.


c) Future consideration required for metrics regarding Children and Young People and Mental Health.


Supporting documents:


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