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Agenda item

The Role and operation of the CSE Panel

To receive a presentation


11.1  Members received a presentation (copy attached to signed minutes) updating them on work being done to control Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and the role and work of the CSE Panel.


11.2  The Service Manager reminded Members that the Shropshire Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) had developed a CSE strategy and practitioners toolkit and had created a multi-agency CSE Panel.  He advised that where a child was identified as being at risk of CSE using the risk identification tool, this was referred to the CSE Panel, and in medium and high risk cases also to Children’s Social care, and that when cases were discussed by the Panel, each agency was able to bring any information that it had about the child and was able to contribute to any action that was required.


11.3  The Service Manager advised that there were 50 referrals to the Panel in 2014/15 a rise of 28% on the previous years and that in the period 1 April 2015 to 1 June 2015 there had already been 25 referrals to the Panel which had resulted in extra meetings of the Panel having to be held.  He commented that the rise in referrals reflected the fact that agencies were becoming more confident in identifying and reporting potential cases of CSE.


11.4  The Service Manager advised Members that briefings on CSE had been made to elected members, Town and Parish Councils, and to the Head Teachers Forum and The Central Policy Group and that a CSE Awareness page had been included in the Shrewsbury Town Football Club programme.  Several Members expressed concern that not all Councillors had attended briefings on CSE and Safeguarding as they felt it was essential that they were made aware of the subject.


          Resolved: -


          That a recommendation be made that training in Safeguarding and CSE be made essential for all Members


11.5  The Service Manager introduced Julie Johnson (Schools Lead in CSE), who advised Members that her role was to work with schools to help them identify and report cases of CSE.  She informed Members that only 7 of the 22 secondary schools in the county had reported cases of CSE and there was a need to understand why more schools were not reporting cases and that she was working with Head Teachers and designated leads in schools to raise awareness.


11.6  Ms Johnsons advised Members that funding had been secured from the Police and Crime Commissioners Office to put on performances of “Chelsea’s Choice”, which was a hard hitting drama around CSE, for year 8 and year 9 pupils in the county, and that designated leads in schools were also required to attend the performances. Members asked whether it would be possible for them to attend one of the performances.  The Director of Children’s Services said it may be possible for them to attend a performance in February 2016.


11.7  A member commented on the rise in “E-bullying” and commented that there was the opportunity to raise awareness though social media channels.  Ms Johnson commented that a Twitter account had been set up for the Say Something if You See Something Campaign but that uptake had not been very good.  She advised that there was a need to get the message out to parents and carers, and that each school had different policies about this.


11.8  The Chairman thanked the Service Manager and Ms Johnson for their presentation.



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