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Agenda item

Additional Information for Quarter 3 Performance Report 2015/16

To consider additional information for the Quarter 3 Performance Management information presented by the Performance Manager.


Members noted that Chart 4 referred to in the Officer report had not been despatched with the agenda, it was agreed that this would be sent out after the meeting. 


The Performance Manager gave a presentation to the Committee [copy of presentation attached to the signed Minutes].  Members noted that pay rates had increased in Shropshire in line with the National increase.  Although, those living in the County and commuting out to work received higher wages than those who worked within the County.  The Performance Manager commented that the County had low unemployment rates but the industries in the area tended to be those which had historically low wage levels, such as agriculture.    Members noted that the County also had higher levels of self-employed workers in comparison to both the West Midlands and Great Britain.  The Performance Manager agreed to provide Councillor Hunt with an analysis of the types of business performed by the self-employed.  Despite the lower wage rates in the County the average house prices were higher than the West Midlands area, which impacted on affordability of homes for residents.


Members considered increases in the numbers of patients delayed leaving hospital.  The Performance Manager commented that the increase was following a National trend.  Councillor Dakin informed Members of a Task and Finish Group set up by the Health Scrutiny Committee that had been established to examine integrated services with the NHS and improve working relationships.  It was acknowledged that hospitals had a direct impact on adult social care and the demand for its services. 


Members discussed the cost of eviction and rehousing housing association tenants who had rent arrears.  It was agreed that his was a potential topic for consideration by the Environment and Services Scrutiny Committee.   Members also identified a slight decrease in waste recycling rates.  It was observed that Shropshire still had a rate well above the National Average.  It was suggested that the Performance Manager would provide further information on this and if warranted the Environment and Services Committee would consider whether they wished to pursue the topic further.


Members noted a slight increase in educational attainment at GCSE level, although the improvement was not as good as the County’s statistical neighbours, although remained better than the National Average.  It was agreed that the Young People’s Scrutiny Committee would consider whether this should be added to their work programme.


Referring Members to the graph showing the number of referrals to Children’s Social Care, the Performance Manager explained that the improvement was explained by a new effective ‘front door’ policy which ensured that initial concerns received the most appropriate support which had led to a reduction in referrals.  Members noted that the number of looked after children had remained stable at between 300 and 350 children.  It was suggested that the Young People’s Scrutiny Committee might consider adding Foster Care within the County to their work programme, as they played an important role in caring for children who could not live with their own families. 


In response to a Members query the Head of Finance, Governance an Assurance agreed that projected budget figures contained in the end of quarter budget reports differed at the end of different quarters as they were projections and altered as more information became known throughout the year.  A Member requested that Cabinet papers be circulated with the Additional Information Report.   

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