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Agenda item

Draft Economic Growth Strategy

To receive a report on the draft Economic Growth Strategy, to follow marked:  6.  A presentation will also be made by the Director of Place and Enterprise and Head of Economic Growth.


Contact:  Gemma Davies, 01743 258985


The Head of Economic Growth gave a presentation on the Draft Economic Growth Strategy.  A copy of the draft Strategy had also been circulated to Members (copy of report and presentation attached to the signed minutes).  The presentation covered the objectives of the Strategy, its priority actions and the next steps. 


Members were asked for their comments on the draft and during discussion the following points were made:


Target actions and resources on economic opportunities


Members felt that:


the role of the Business Board and Business Ambassadors was extremely valuable, especially those representing Shropshire’s larger companies. 


Cross border working was essential (the Head of Economic Growth was able to give reassurance that this was already happening)


The role of University Centre Shrewsbury and other Further and Higher Education institutions would be extremely important, especially in relation to the sectors of particular growth potential in Shropshire and meeting recruitment challenges.


There was a need to recognise the needs of RAF Shawbury, and to take into account any concerns it might have regarding the future of the Clive Barracks Site. 


There was a need to recognise the likelihood that driverless cars could be common by 2020, particularly in relation to the work related to Northern Gateway Development Zone and proximity to HS2 hub a Crewe.  A member reported that HS2 plans were very much centred around driverless cars and plans for long term infrastructure should be suited to this technology. 


The need to recognise the potential of Wem for growth, particularly as a station on the Cardiff - Manchester line.


Enable businesses to grow and succeed


Members felt that:


There was a need for strong and consistent Member and officer input from Shropshire Council into sub-regional meetings of the LEP, West Midlands Combined Authority


Deliver Infrastructure to support growth


Members felt that: 


There was a need to focus on transport connections in the north of the county but where transport connections could never be as good, for example, in the south west of the country, there should be a focus on digital and mobile connections.  A member commented that in other parts of the country, software and game developers were often based in rural areas where rents were lower due to poor transport links.       


There should be consideration given to developing new rail halts at the football ground, and at the Flaxmill, particularly in the light of traffic congestion in Shrewsbury.


Appropriate maintenance of existing road infrastructure was essential so that communities did not become isolated.


The Head of Economic Growth said she had identified a need to demonstrate that business as usual and infrastructure maintenance was in hand.  She said she would take this up with the Head of Infrastructure and Communities.    


The Director of Place and Enterprise thanked the Committee for the comments and encouraged Members with further feedback to forward it the end of the consultation period on 28 April 2017.  It was intended that Strategy would be finalised in May and approved by Cabinet in June. 


The Committee agreed that it should monitor performance through regular reports and Members agreed that development of a performance dashboard would be very helpful.    

Supporting documents:


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