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Agenda item

North West Relief Road

To scrutinise work done to date on developing the Outline Business Case for this project.


The Strategic Transport and Contracts Manager introduced Gary Dymond, a representative from WSP and consultant working on the project, distributed maps and gave a presentation to Members on the proposed Shrewsbury North West Relief Road [copy attached to signed minutes].


The Strategic Transport and Contracts Manager explained that this project had a long history and had been embedded in local plans since the 1990s, although previous attempts to deliver the highway had failed to reach fruition.  The current proposal was a refreshed bid and scheme.  He continued that public consultation would be undertaken to ensure that support from the public and business sector for the scheme still existed. 


Members noted the number of benefits of diverting the traffic away from the centre of Shrewsbury, these included economic and health benefits.  In answer to a Member’s question, The Strategic Transport and Contracts Manager explained that no direct association of the road with potential increased development had been made but it was anticipated that this would be a consequence of the new road.  It was also expected that the diversion of traffic away from the town centre would lead to it being a more attractive location for businesses and lead to an improved town centre for visitors.


Members discussed environmental issues and Mr Dymond explained that mitigation schemes were relatively well developed, with the next stage being to identify which schemes would be carried forward and be included in the business case.  In answer to a Member’s query Gary Dymond confirmed that a cycle path had been included in the road design. 


Mr Dymond confirmed that traffic surveys had been conducted in Shrewsbury and that the data was being evaluated.  He continued that a traffic model for Shrewsbury was being developed which included latent demand.  In reply to a Member’s comment, Mr Dymond agreed that historically such models had a tendency to overestimate benefits but the new model used the latest technology, which gave more accurate results. 


Members considered the rights of ways and public access to green space shown on the maps distributed at the start of the meeting.  It was noted that the public green spaces were important for public health but the existing areas suffered from over access, which caused environmental problems.  Members noted the lack of public footpaths and public access to green space north of the town.  Members discussed the possible development of a new country park as mitigation for the environmental impact of the road, although as all the land was in private ownership this would be dependent on the outcome of negotiations with landowners.  Members observed that there was no public access to the river and making this area more accessible could lead to the establishment of new businesses.  The Shropshire Outdoors Partnership Manager explained that the land was presently being used for grazing and pheasant shooting and development of it would require external funding to be secured which might require a dedicated Development Officer.


Members noted the key deadlines with the proposal being considered by Cabinet in November or December and the Business Case being submitted to the Secretary of State in late December.  If this application was successful, the Government would release further funds to develop the proposal.  It was anticipated that if successful the scheme would be completed by 2021 although there was still much work to be undertaken. 



that the report be noted and verbal observations made by the Chairman to Cabinet when the report was considered. 


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