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Issue - decisions

Shrewsbury Big Town Plan

09/11/2018 - Shrewsbury Big Town Plan - Big Town Plan Vision and Framework



i)             That the final version of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan following consultation, be endorsed [as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report].


ii)            That it be agreed that the final version of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan will form part of the evidence base to inform the emerging review of the Local Plan and will be considered in the Local Plan Consultation on Preferred Sites.


iii)           That it be agreed that the principle of using the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan as a material consideration in decision making on relevant planning applications can now be established.  The degree of weight that can be attached to the Big Town Plan will depend on the individual circumstances.


iv)          That the Council continue its participation in the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan partnership to take forward implementation of the plan including the development of a delivery plan for each of the key themes. This will involve the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and relevant officers.




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