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Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

15/11/2017 - Day Service Transformation - Maesbury Metals and Cornerpatch ref: 776    Recommendations Approved

The Portfolio Holder for Health and Adult Social Care presented a report from the Director of Adult Services summarising the outcome of the procurement process undertaken to seek a new provider for the Council’s day services known as Maesbury Metals and Cornerpatch in Shrewsbury.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2017 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/11/2017

Effective from: 23/11/2017



i)     That the transfer of the management of the day services at Maesbury Metals and Cornerpatch in Oswestry to Liveability be approved, to take effect on 1 December 2017, or such other date as may be required to conclude all contractual issues, for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend for a further 5 years;

ii)    That authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Services to conclude final contractual negotiations with Livability and when an acceptable position is achieved to approve, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Adult Social Care, the award of the contract and the completion of all necessary formalities to transfer the services and staff to the identified provider.


15/11/2017 - Financial Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2017/2018 ref: 775    Recommendations Approved

The Portfolio Holder for Finance presented a report from the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [Section 151 Officer] on the projected revenue expenditure for the whole of 2017/18 as at Quarter 2 and also an alternative position based on the implementation on management action, including imposing a spending freeze.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2017 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/11/2017

Effective from: 23/11/2017




i)             That it be noted that at the end of Quarter 1 (30 September 2017), the full year revenue forecast is a potential overspend of £5.061m;


ii)            That the instigation of management action be approved, including a spending freeze to bring the variance within what would be considered a “reasonable tolerance” to a potential overspend of £0.428m.


iii)           That the impact of this on the Council’s General Fund balance be considered.


iv)           That net budget variations of £8.812m to the 2017/18 capital programme be approved, detailed in Appendix 3/Table 6, and the re-profiled 2017/18 capital budget of £68.349m.  Variations include new allocations of capital receipts of £0.500m for a grant allocation towards the Marches Centre of Manufacturing and Technology and £0.150m towards a Gypsy Transit Site project.


v)            That re-profiled capital budgets of £34.917m for 2018/19, £7.487m for 2019/20 and £0.667m for 2020/21, be approved as detailed in Appendix 3/Table 9.


vi)           That the capital expenditure to date of £23.861m be approved, representing 35% of the revised capital budget for 2017/18, with 50% of the year having elapsed.



15/11/2017 - Minutes ref: 774    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2017 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/11/2017

Effective from: 15/11/2017




That the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 18 October 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


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