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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 24th February, 2011

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 24th February 2011 at 10:00 AM in the Council Chamber, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2011, attached marked 3. Contact Richard Thomas Tel: 01743 252725
(3 Minutes of 13 January 2011.pdf)

4. Announcements
To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker, Leader, or Chief Executive may desire to lay before Council.

5. Public Questions
To receive any questions, statements or petitions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.

6. Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rules 15.2.
(6 Members Questions for Council.pdf)

7. Returning Oficer's Report
To receive the Returning Officer's oral report on the election for the Quarry and Coton Hill electoral division. Contact Richard Thomas Tel: 01743 252725

8. Budget - Scrutiny Response from the Performance and Strategy Scrutiny Committee
Report of Head of Performance and Communications is to follow. (8 Budget Response Performance and Strategy Scrutiny.pdf)
Contact Wendy Marston (01743 252004)

9. Capital Strategy 2011/12 to 2014/15
Report of Interim Section 151 Officer is attached marked 9. (9 Capital Strategy 2011 to 12 and 2014 to 15 Report.pdf, 9 Appendix 1 Borrowing Calculation.pdf, 9 Appendix 2 Schemes Financed from Capital Receipts and Prudential Borrowing.pdf, 9 Appendix 3 Capital Programme 2011 to 12 and 2014 to 15.pdf)
Contact James Walton (01743 255011)

10. Medium Term Financial Plan - Strategic Framework of Priorities for Reshaping the Role of the Council and Re-designing Service Delivery
Report of Chief Executive is attached marked 10. (10 MTFP Strategic Framework of priorities report.pdf)
Contact Kim Ryley (01743 252702)

11. Medium Term Financial Plan - Budget Paper for 2011/12 to 2014/15
Report of Interim Section 151 Officer is attached marked 11. (11 Medium Term Financial Plan Report.pdf, 11 Appendix 1 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 2 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 3 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 4 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 5 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 6 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 7 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 8 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 8i.pdf, 11 Appendix 9 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 10 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 11 MTFP.pdf, 11 Appendix 12.pdf)
Contact James Walton (01743 255011)

12. Treasury Strategy 2011/12
Report of Head of Finance (Treasury and Pensions) is attached marked 12. (12 Treasury Strategy 2011 to 2012 Report.pdf, 12 Appendix 1 Prudential Indicators.pdf, 12 Appendix 2 Annual Investment Strategy.pdf, 12 Appendix 2A Local Govt Investments Specified.pdf)
Contact Graham Chidlow (01743 252072)

13. Council Tax Resolution
Report of Interim Section 151 Officer is attached marked 13. (13 Council Tax Resolution.pdf)
Contact James Walton (01743 255011)

14. Housing Revenue Account 2011/12
Report of Interim Section 151 Officer is attached marked 14. (14 Housing revenue account Rent report.pdf, 14 HRA Budget.pdf)
Contact James Walton (01743 255011)

15. Political Structures Monitoring Group
Report of Democratic Services Manager is attached marked 15. (15 Report of the Political Structures Monitoring Group.pdf, 15 Appendix 1.pdf, 15 Appendix 2.pdf, 15 Appendix 3.pdf)
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

16. Appointments to Committees
The Leader has advised that Mr S Davenport will replace Mr A B Davies as a member of the Safe and Confident Communities Scrutiny Committee.
(16 Appointment to Committees Report.pdf)

17. Shropshire Core Strategy: Inspector's Report
Report of Head of Strategy and Policy, Development Services is attached marked 17. (17 Shropshire Core Strategy report.pdf, 17 Appendix A Shropshire Core Strategy.pdf, 17 Appendix B Shropshire Core Strategy.pdf, 17 Appendix C Shropshire Core Strategy.pdf)
Contact Jake Berriman (01743 255666)

18. Statement of Community Involvement
Report of Head of Strategy and Policy, Development Services is attached marked 18. (18 Statement of Community Involvement report.pdf, 18 Appendix 1.pdf, 18 Appendix 2 Statement of Community Involvement.pdf)
Contact Jake Berriman (01743 255666)

19. North Shropshire CAT (Community Action Trust)
Report of Interim Section 151 Officer is attached marked 19. (19 North Shropshire CAT.pdf)
Contact James Walton (01743 255011)

20. Motions
20.1 The following motion has been received from Cllr P F Phillips: "Council urges the government to extend the public service operation from solely being laid on British Telcom to being shared also with cell phone companies." Narrative: The public service obligation requries British Telecom alone to fund and maintain telephone kiosks. These have lost a lot of their usage and in many cases been removed because of that, simply because of the spread of mobile phones. In some areas, notably remote rural areas, cell phone reception is very poor and sometimes totally unavailable. Telephone kiosks are seldom used but the calls that are made are therefore often quite important for those who are making the calls. It would seem reasonable to ask the cell phone companies, whose prosperity has contributed to the falling away of custom usage of telephone kiosks, should be instructed to shoulder some of the costs. 20.2 Received from Cllr N J Hartin: "Council notes the extra Cabinet meeting on the 9th March for Cabinet to consider the Acute Hospitals reorganisation plans. Given the importance of this matter to all of the communities of Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, Council resolves to hold a further special Council following Cabinet consideration to allow the whole Council to debate and discuss its considered response to the plans in the light of any Cabinet recommendations.

21. Report of the West Mercia Police Authority
Report of the West Mercia Police Authority is attached marked 21. Contact Ian Payne: 01743 344698
(21 Report of the Meeting of West Mercia Police Authority.pdf)

22. Report fo the Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Combined Fire Authority
Report of the Combined Fire Authority is attached marked 22. Contact Sharon Lloyd Tel: 01743 260200
(22 Fire Authority Chair Report 9 February 2011.pdf)

Committee Officer is Richard Thomas
Tel: (01743) 252725    Fax: (01743) 252725

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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