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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 10th December, 2009

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 10th December 2009 at 10:00 AM in the Council Chamber, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5th November 2009, attached marked 3. Contact Richard Thomas Tel 01743 252725.
Report is attached marked 3. (Minutes - 5 November 2009.pdf)

4. Announcements
To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker, Leader or Chief Executive may desire to lay before the Council

5. Public Question Time
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.

6. Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2.
Report is attached marked 6. (Questions for Council - 10 December 2009.pdf)

7. Report of The Independent Remuneration Panel on Members' Allowances
To receive the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel attached marked 7. Mr R J Thomas, one of the members of the Panel will attend to answer Members' questions in the absence of the Panel Chairman.
Report is attached marked 7. (Remuneration Panel Report - 10 December 2009.pdf, Appendix Remuneration Panel Report.pdf)

8. Setting the Council Tax Base 2010/11
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 8. (201011 Council Tax Taxbase Report.pdf, 200910 Council Tax Taxbase Report Appendix December 2009.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

9. Revised Minimum Revenue Provision Statement
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 9. (Minimum revenue provision station.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

10. Appointment of Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer
Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services is attached marked 10. (Report - Appointment of Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer.pdf)
Contact Claire Porter (01743 252763)

11. Proposed Amendments to the Local Joint Committee Constitution
Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services is attached marked 11. (Report.pdf, LJC Constitution - draft amends Nov 09.pdf)
Contact Claire Porter (01743 252763)

12. Delegation of Power to Appoint Freemen
Report of Head of Democratic Services is attached marked 12. (Delegation of Power to Appoint Freeman.pdf)
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

13. Joint Member Board - Terms of Reference
Report of Director of Community Services is attached marked 13. (Joint Member Board - Terms of Reference.pdf)
Contact Val Beint (01743 253701)

14. Motions
The following motion has been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16. 14.1 Received from Cllr J E Jones: This authority, in line with the leadership of all the major political parties, totally repudiates the politics of hate and discrimination and will work to ensure that Shropshire is a welcoming place where all our communities and residents can live together in harmony. We will continue to work with partner organisations to address hate crime and, as community leaders, to promote traditional values of fairness and open-mindedness. 14.2 Received from Mr P F Phillips: Economic recession is a great threat to Shropshire residents. Unemployment, reduced incomes, growing indebtedness cloud many lives. Shropshire Council can play a leading role and RESOLVES • Urgently to establish a Recession Task Group; • Small in numbers and including key partners • To meet urgently and (a) Publicise actions being taken to counter effects of the recession; and (b) Particularly: to identify quick and effective strategies. These could draw on the experience of other counties, e.g. (i) Employment Bond/using ‘Tomorrow’s People, especially to combat youth joblessness/establishing a Recession Fund … increasing aid to CAB’s, the Credit Union, etc. (E. Sussex). (ii) Learning Access Points/Rural Economy Scheme (Suffolk) (iii) In house apprenticeships/external apprenticeships/business loans Bank (Essex/Devon) Or Bidding into programmes of DWP like Future Jobs Fund/Backing Young Britain Campaign and proactively marketing Shropshire, not least our own business/workshop units/actively intervening with tenants who may be facing difficulties/making Economic Development a high profile and pro-active service; reconsidering capital project time lines. These are only examples: they may be inappropriate or impractical, or already being done. A Recession Task Group should be small, practical and positive. It should meet urgently and produce some Quick-Win actions. It should not indulge in copious report writing. It should raise awareness of strategies already in place. Economic recession is a great threat to Shropshire residents. Unemployment, reduced incomes, growing indebtedness cloud many lives. Shropshire Council can play a leading role and RESOLVES • Urgently to establish a Recession Task Group; • Small in numbers and including key partners • To meet urgently and (a) Publicise actions being taken to counter effects of the recession; and (b) Particularly: to identify quick and effective strategies. These could draw on the experience of other counties, e.g. (i) Employment Bond/using ‘Tomorrow’s People, especially to combat youth joblessness/establishing a Recession Fund … increasing aid to CAB’s, the Credit Union, etc. (E. Sussex). (ii) Learning Access Points/Rural Economy Scheme (Suffolk) (iii) In house apprenticeships/external apprenticeships/business loans Bank (Essex/Devon) Or Bidding into programmes of DWP like Future Jobs Fund/Backing Young Britain Campaign and proactively marketing Shropshire, not least our own business/workshop units/actively intervening with tenants who may be facing difficulties/making Economic Development a high profile and pro-active service; reconsidering capital project time lines. These are only examples: they may be inappropriate or impractical, or already being done. A Recession Task Group should be small, practical and positive. It should meet urgently and produce some Quick-Win actions. It should not indulge in copious report writing. It should raise awareness of strategies already in place. Economic recession is a great threat to Shropshire residents. Unemployment, reduced incomes, growing indebtedness cloud many lives. Shropshire Council can play a leading role and RESOLVES • Urgently to establish a Recession Task Group; • Small in numbers and including key partners • To meet urgently and (a) Publicise actions being taken to counter effects of the recession; and (b) Particularly: to identify quick and effective strategies. These could draw on the experience of other counties, e.g. (i) Employment Bond/using ‘Tomorrow’s People, especially to combat youth joblessness/establishing a Recession Fund … increasing aid to CAB’s, the Credit Union, etc. (E. Sussex). (ii) Learning Access Points/Rural Economy Scheme (Suffolk) (iii) In house apprenticeships/external apprenticeships/business loans Bank (Essex/Devon) Or Bidding into programmes of DWP like Future Jobs Fund/Backing Young Britain Campaign and proactively marketing Shropshire, not least our own business/workshop units/actively intervening with tenants who may be facing difficulties/making Economic Development a high profile and pro-active service; reconsidering capital project time lines. These are only examples: they may be inappropriate or impractical, or already being done. A Recession Task Group should be small, practical and positive. It should meet urgently and produce some Quick-Win actions. It should not indulge in copious report writing. It should raise awareness of strategies already in place. Economic recession is a great threat to Shropshire residents. Unemployment, reduced incomes, growing indebtedness cloud many lives. Shropshire Council can play a leading role and RESOLVES • Urgently to establish a Recession Task Group; • Small in numbers and including key partners • To meet urgently and (a) Publicise actions being taken to counter effects of the recession; and (b) Particularly: to identify quick and effective strategies. These could draw on the experience of other counties, e.g. (i) Employment Bond/using ‘Tomorrow’s People, especially to combat youth joblessness/establishing a Recession Fund … increasing aid to CAB’s, the Credit Union, etc. (E. Sussex). (ii) Learning Access Points/Rural Economy Scheme (Suffolk) (iii) In house apprenticeships/external apprenticeships/business loans Bank (Essex/Devon) Or Bidding into programmes of DWP like Future Jobs Fund/Backing Young Britain Campaign and proactively marketing Shropshire, not least our own business/workshop units/actively intervening with tenants who may be facing difficulties/making Economic Development a high profile and pro-active service; reconsidering capital project time lines. These are only examples: they may be inappropriate or impractical, or already being done. A Recession Task Group should be small, practical and positive. It should meet urgently and produce some Quick-Win actions. It should not indulge in copious report writing. It should raise awareness of strategies already in place. 14.3 Received from Mr R A Evans: Shropshire Council resolves to remove all council tax discounts from homes that have been empty for over 6 months commencing from April 2010. The Local Government Act 2003 has given councils discretionary powers to reduce or remove the 50% discount awarded in respect of long-term empty properties with effect from 1st April 2004. Previously three of the old District/Borough Councils removed the discount and two retained the full 50% discount. Shropshire Council at present across its whole area gives a 50% discount to long term empty homes. This motion seeks to remove this discount and so encourage owners to either sell or rent out homes that have been empty for more than 6 months. We need to reduce the number of empty properties. In general, Local Authorities who removed the discretionary council tax discount on Long Term Empty properties have a lower proportion of empty property stock than Local Authorities who have not removed the discount. Here in Shropshire we need to encourage empty homeowners to be good neighbours. Who wants to live next door to a house that has stood empty for a long time with its garden overgrown and a mess. Note Shropshire Council already makes a grant available to those with homes that need work to bring them up to a suitable standard provided the owner agrees to make them available to rent and not sell them for the period agreed at the grant giving stage.

15. Report of the West Mercia Police Authority
To receive the report of the West Mercia Police Authority, attached marked 15. Contact Ian Payne Tel 01743 264691.

16. Report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Combined Fire Authority
To receive the report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Combined Fire Authority, attached marked 16. Contact Sharon Lloyd Tel 01743 260210.
Report is attached marked 16. (Shropshire's Fire and Rescue Report.pdf)

17. Exclusion of Public and Press
To RESOLVE that in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 12A, Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4.(3) of the Council's Acess to Information Procedure Rules, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the following item.

18. Minutes
To confirm as a correct record the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2009 attached marked 18.

Committee Officer is Richard Thomas
Tel: (01743) 252725    Fax: (01743) 252929

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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