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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 21st January, 2010

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 21st January 2010 at 10:00 AM in the Council Chamber, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2009, attached marked 3. Contact Richard Thomas Tel 01743 252725.
(Minutes of 10 December.pdf)

4. Announcements
To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker, Leader, or Chief Executive may desire to lay before Council

5. Public Question Time
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.

6. Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2.
(Questions for Council.pdf)

7. Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on Members' Allowances
To receive the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel, attached marked 7. Contact Richard Thomas Tel 01743 252725. Portfolio Holder: Mr K R Barrow.
(Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel.pdf, Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel Appendix.pdf)

8. Appointment of Cabinet Members and their Portfolios
Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services is attached marked 8. (Appointment of Cabinet Members & Their Portfolios.pdf)
Contact Claire Porter (01743 252763)

9. Membership of Committees
Report of Head of Democratic Services is attached marked 9. (Membership of Committees.pdf)
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

10. Shropshire Core Strategy: Final Plan Version
Report of Assistant Director Strategy and Development is attached marked 10. (Shropshire Core Strategy final plan report.pdf, APPENDIX A (1).pdf, APPENDIX A (2).pdf, APPENDIX B.pdf, APPENDIX C.pdf)
Contact Nick Taylor (01743 252502)

11. Reviewing the Council Tax Long Term Empty Properties Discretionary Discount Policy for 2010/11
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 11. (Long-Term Empty Property Discretionary Discount.pdf, Long-Term Empty Properties Discretionary Discount Report Appendix.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

12. Setting the Council Tax Taxbase for 2010/11
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 12. (Setting the Council Tax Taxbase for 2010 2011.pdf, Council Tax Taxbase Report Appendix.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

13. Budget Virements 2009/10 - Quarter 3
Report of Director of Resources is to follow marked 13. (Budget Virements 2009 2010 Quarter 3.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

14. Vehicle Activated Signs Policy
Report of Assistant Director Public Protection is attached marked 14. (Vehicle Activated signs report.pdf)
Contact Andy Goldsmith (01743 281017)

15. Urban and Rural Speed Limit Policy
Report of Assistant Director Public Protection is attached marked 15. (Urban and Rural Speed Limit report.pdf)
Contact Andy Goldsmith (01743 281017)

16. Delegation of Sports Grounds Safety Functions
Report of Director of Development Services is attached marked 16. (Safety at sports grounds.pdf)
Contact Tom McCabe (01743 255002)

17. Evolution, Revolution and Innovation: A Cultural Strategy for Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin
Report of Director of Community Services is attached marked 17. (Evolution revolution innovation a cultural strategy for Shropshire.pdf, Cultural Strategy Full version.pdf)
Contact Val Beint (01743 253701)

18. Mere at Ellesmere Advisory Board
Report of Assistant Director Culture and Leisure is attached marked 18. (The Mere at Ellesmere Advisory Board.pdf)
Contact George Candler (01743 255003)

19. Equalities
Report of Assistant Chief Executive (Performance and Partnerships) is attached marked 19. (Draft SES.pdf, Draft SES Action Plan.pdf, Single Equality Scheme Report.pdf, Shropshire Council Draft Single Equality Scheme 2010 2013.pdf)
Contact Michael Hyatt (01743 252003)

20. Motion
The following motion has been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16. 19.1 Received from Mr J Tandy: This Council supports free concessionary bus travel for the over 60's enjoyed by 8 million people, including many Shropshire residents, and calls on all political parties to pledge its continuation based on the existing eligibility criteria. In a rural county such as Shropshire the social and environmental benefits of free concessionary bus travel have been particularly significant and this motion seeks to protect these benefits for the long term. Statement: This financial year Shropshire Council is forecasting to spend over £3.3 million on concessionary fares. The majority of this cost is for free travel by persons over the age of 60. There is an automatic right to a concessionary bus pass for residents on reaching the age of 60 and no other eligibility criteria apply. As we move into a period of financial austerity in public spending a service subsidy that is based solely on age with no reflection of other personal circumstances may be questioned by a future government. There is also an ongoing national debate as a number of local authorities believe the settlement they have received from government to cover the concessionary pass does meet their costs. This is particularly true in popular tourist areas.

21. Report of the West Mercia Police Authority
Report of is attached marked 21. (West Mercia Police Authority Meeting.pdf, West Mercia Police Authority appendix 1.pdf, Partnership NewsletterWinter2009.pdf)
Contact Ian Payne (01743 344698)

Committee Officer is Richard Thomas
Tel: (01743) 252725    Fax: (01743) 252929

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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