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Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 22nd September, 2011

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 22nd September 2011 at 10:00 AM in the Council Chamber, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21st July 2011, attached marked 3. Contact Richard Thomas Tel 01743 252725
(3 Minutes of Council on 21 July 2011.pdf)

4. Announcements
To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker, Leader and Chief Executive may desire to lay before the Council.

5. Public Questions
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.
(5 Public Questions for Council.pdf)

6. Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, attached marked 6.
(6 Members Questions.pdf)

7. Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel
To consider the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on Members' Allowances. to follow marked 7. The Chairman of the Panel, Mr Ciaran Martin, will be in attendance to answer Members' questions. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN FROM CONSIDERATION TO ENABLE FURTHER WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT IN RESPECT OF THE REPORT.

8. Report of the Portfolio Holders for Flourishing Shropshire
To receive the report from the Portfolio Holders for Flourishing Shropshire, attached marked 8. In accordance with Procedure Rule 15, 20 minutes will be allocated to the presentation of the reports, Members' questions and their supplementaries.
(8 Portfolio Holder for Flourishing Shropshire Communities.pdf)

9. Annual Report of the Protecting and Enhancing our Environment Scrutiny Committee
To receive the report of the Chairman of the Protecting and Enhancing our Environment Scrutiny Committee, attached marked 9. In accordance with Procedure Rule 15, 20 minutes will be allocated to the presentation of the reports, Members' questions and their supplementaries.
(9 Annual Report of the Protecting and Enhancing Our Environment Scrutiny Committee 2010 to 2011.pdf)

10. Report of Scrutiny on Examination of Phase 1 Budget Savings 2012/13
To receive the report of the Chairman of the Performance and Strategy Scrutiny Committee, following the examination of the Phase 1 savings for 2011/12 by the five Scrutiny Committees, to follow, marked 10.
(10 Report of Scrutiny on Examination of Phase 1 Budget Savings.pdf)

11. Financial Strategy 2013/13 to 2020/21, including Phase 1 Savings 2012/13
Report of Corporate Head of Finance and Commerce and Section 151 Officer is attached marked 11. (11 Financial Strategy 201213 to 202021 including Phase 1 savings 201213.pdf)
Contact Rachel Musson (01743 252007)

12. Annual Treasury Report 2010/11
Report of Corporate Head of Finance and Commerce and Section 151 Officer is attached marked 12. (12 Annual Treasury Report 201011.pdf, 12 Appendix A Interest Rates Chart 1011.pdf, 12 Appendix B Debt Maturity Profile.pdf, 12Appendix C Annual Treasury Report 2010 and 11.pdf)
Contact Rachel Musson (01743 252007)

13. Statement of Accounts 2010/11
Report of Corporate Head of Finance and Commerce and Section 151 Officer is to follow marked 13. (13 Report Statement of Accounts 201011.pdf, 13 Appendix Statement of Account 2010 to 2011.pdf)
Contact Rachel Musson (01743 252007)

14. Report of the Political Structures Monitoring Group
Report of Democratic Services and Elections Manager is attached marked 14. (14 Report of the Political Structures Monitoring Group.pdf)
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

15. Scheme of Delegations
TO RESOLVE: That, in addition to the existing power to determine the need for and to amend or modify Agreements made under Section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Group Manager - Environment and the Development Manager be given delegated authority to discharge planning obligations under Section 52 Town and Country Planning Act 1971 or Section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to vary or modify Section 52 Agreements, as required, and that Part 8 of the Council's Constitution be ammended accordingly.

16. Appointment to Committees
Following the resignation on Councillor Peter Phillips, there is a Liberal Democrat vacancy on the Strategic Licensing Committee. The Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Mr N J Hartin, will report the name of the Member he would like to fill this vacancy at the meeting.
Report of Democratic Services Manager is attached.
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

17. Community Governance Review
Report of Democratic Services Manager is attached marked 17. (17 Community Governance Review for Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council.pdf)
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

18. Crime Reduction, Community Safety and Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2011 - 14
Report of Group Manager- Public Protection and Enforcement is attached marked 18. (18 Crime Reduction Community Safety and Drug and Alcohol Strategy Report.pdf, 18 Appendix Crime Reduction Community Safety Strategy 2011 to 14.pdf)
Contact Paul McGreary (01743 25)

19. Motions
19.1 The following motion has been received from Mr J M Williams: “Shropshire is one of the richest counties in England in terms of its built and industrial heritage, including the first iron-framed building in the world and being the birthplace of Industry. This rich heritage underpins Shropshire’s fastest-growing and most important industry – Tourism. Shropshire’s superb historic buildings and its industrial heritage are its fundamental stock and to ensure that these invaluable irreplaceable heritage structures are preserved, repaired and restored to the highest level possible, I am proposing that the Council invests in the establishment of a Heritage Technology Centre of Excellence, providing a training base for up to 10 apprentices to become our future craftspeople, who will work to preserve our buildings and structures. The building to house such a Heritage Technology Centre is in Shrewsbury and is being offered, at peppercorn rent by a national private company. The Government’s Apprenticeship Scheme would fund the training element of the enterprise. The Council’s investment would be to establish a fund of up to £150K to provide apprenticeship training for 10 youngsters, over a three year course, leading to an appropriate qualification. Once trained, these youngsters would form a reservoir of skilled craftspeople, who would ensure that our invaluable heritage assets were maintained to the highest standards. Shropshire Council would seek to defray revenue costs to the Council by working in partnership with the private sector and would actively seek the support of our Local Authority partners in the LEP [Telford & Wrekin and Herefordshire]. It will also be necessary to involve the National Trust, English Heritage and other organisations e.g. The Wildlife Trust. The European Social Fund and the Heritage Lottery Fund might also be able to support the scheme financially, at this initial stage. This Scheme is supported Network Rail,by a national private company, two Registered Charities [The Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust and the Ironbridge Railway Trust] and Telford & Wrekin Council, all of whom have expressed interest and if Shropshire Council were prepared to take the lead, these organisations would likely support and contribute fully to the establishment of such a facility. Heritage Technology Centre of Excellence.”

Committee Officer is Richard Thomas
Tel: (01743) 252725    Fax: (01743) 252929

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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