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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 24th June, 2010 10.00 am

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 24th June 2010 at 10:00 AM in the Council Chamber, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1.  Apologies

2.  Declaration of Interests

3.  Minutes
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2010, attached marked 3. For further information contact Richard Thomas Tel 01743 252725.
(3 Minutes of 29 April 2010.pdf)

4 .  Announcements
To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker or Chief Executive may desire to present to the Council.

5.  Public Question Time
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.

6.  Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, attached marked 6.
(6 Members questions for Council.pdf)

7.  Review of Overview and Scrutiny
Report of Chief Executive is attached marked 7. (7 SRWG REPORT.pdf, 7 DraftActionPlanv3.pdf, 7 DraftRemit Option4.pdf)
Contact Kim Ryley (01743 252702)

8.  Political Structures Monitoring Group Report
Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services is attached marked 8. (8 Political Structures Monitoring Group.pdf, AppendixA CLGModelScheme.pdf)
Contact Claire Porter (01743 252763)

9.  Budget Virements 2009/2010 - Quarter 4
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 9. (9 Virements report Jun 2010 Council.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

10.  Revenue Outturn 2009/2010
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 10. (10 Revenue Outturn 0910 final.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

11.  Reserves, Provisions and Balances as at 31 March 2009
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 11. (11 Reserves & Provisions 200910 final.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

12.  Shropshire Council Capital Monitoring Report 2009/2010
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked 12. (12 Capital Monitor Outturn report.pdf, 12 Capital Budgets 2009 10 Q4 Appendix 2.pdf, 12 Capital Budgets 2010 11 Q4 Appendix 3.pdf, 12 Appendix 4 District slippage schemes commitments.pdf, 12 Appendix 5 Summary of budget changes.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

13.  Statement of Accounts 2009/2010
Report of Director of Resources is to follow marked 13. (Statement of Accounts report.doc, Annual statement of accounts section 1.doc, Statement of movement on general fund balance section 2.doc, Group accounts section 3.doc)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

14.  Strategy for Services for Adults with Learning Difficulties in Shropshire
An electronic copy of the Strategy document has been sent to all members and a printed copy is available for inspection in the Members' Library.
Report of Director of Community Services is attached marked 14. (14 Strategy for Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities in Shropshire report.pdf, 14 Appendix A Strategy for Learning Disability Services in Shropshire.pdf, 14 Appendix B Executive Summary Accessible version.pdf, 14 Appendix C LD strategy action plan.pdf)
Contact Val Beint (01743 253701)

15.  Community Governance Reviews
Report of Head of Democratic Services is attached marked 15. (15 Community Governance Review.pdf)
Contact Richard Thomas (01743 252725)

16.  Changes in Committee Membership
The Leader of the Council has given notice of the following changes in Committee membership: Strategic Planning: Mr GL Dakin to replace Mr P Andrews; South Area Planning: Mrs CMA Motley to replace Mr P Andrews; Combined Fire Authority: Mr J Hurst-Knight to replace Dr M Winchester.

17.  Shropshire Tree Safety Policy
Report of Assistant Director Strategy and Development is attached marked 17. (17 Tree Safety Policy report.pdf, 17 Tree Safety Policy app 1.pdf)
Contact Nick Taylor (01743 252502)

18.  Report from the Council Leader and Chief Executive in respect of Safeguarding
Report of Director of Community Services is attached marked 18. (18 Leader and CX Safeguarding Report.pdf)
Contact Val Beint (01743 253701)

19.  Leader's Statement on Council Progress
To receive the Statements from the Leader on the Council's progress and from the Portfolio Holders for Children and Young People and Adult Services on Safeguarding, attached marked 19. In accordance with Procedure Rule 15, up to 40 minutes will be allocated to the presentations, members' questions and their supplementaries.
(19 Leaders Statement.pdf, 19 Portfolio Holder Safeguarding Adult social care.pdf, 19 Portfolio Holder Safeguarding CYPS.pdf)

20.  Report of the Scrutiny Committees
To receive the report from the Chair of the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee attached marked 20. In accordance with Procedure Rule 15, up to 20 minutes will be allocated to the presentation ofthe reports,Members' questions and their supplementaries.
(20 Scrutiny Committees Report.pdf, 20 Scrutiny Committee Appendix.pdf, 20 Appendix A SOSC Statement.pdf, 20 Appendix B CYP Statement.doc, 20 Com Services Statement Appendix C.pdf, 20 Appendix D Development services statement.pdf, 20 Health Statement Appendix E.pdf)

21.  Motions
The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16: 21.1 Received from Mr PF Phillips: 1. Council supports the recommendations and concerns of the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications (29.3.10). 2. It asks Digital UK to extend its assistance to "disadvantaged" groups to residents of hilly rural areas who will have to buy additional equipment in order to receive DAB (and its successors). 3. Council further asks Digital UK to assess the impact (a) environmental; (b) on Waste Authorities' budgets - of the disposal of perhaps 100 million analogue radios. 4. Council regrets the omission by Digital UK of an Environmental Impact Assessment of moving to digital radios. Further information relating to the consideration of this matter by the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications has been sent to all Members electronically and a printed version is available for inspection in the Members' Library. 21.2 Received from Mr NJ Hartin: In recognition of the difficult financial position the Council is likely to be in over the next few years Council resolves to put in place an interactive 'Waste Minimisation' web blog where members of the public can nominate their own examples of waste or unnecessary spending within Council services. Portfolio holders will be responsible for considering issues raised & reporting back both to the Council & to the public on those suggestions received. In so doing this initiative will give a truer 'ground up' indication of the services people value and clearly demonstrate that the Council is listening to the public of Shropshire and acting on what it hears. Council would like everyone to take part in this initiative and welcomes comments from staff as well as interested members of the public. It further urges other public bodies providing services in Shropshire to adopt a similar open and transparent method of identifying waste and so help make savings which will have the minimum effect on the people of Shropshire. Note: The Councils Communications unit to be responsible for checking & moderating entries from the public to screen out libellous & other unsuitable material.

Committee Officer is Richard Thomas
Tel: (01743) 252725    Fax: (01743) 252725

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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