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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 29th April, 2010

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 29th April 2010 at 10:00 AM in the Dinwoodie Theatre, Shropshire Conference Centre, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 8XQ

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1. Election of Speaker
To elect a Speaker and Deputy Chairman of Shropshire Council for the ensuing year.

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Election of Chairman
To elect a Chairman and Deputy Speaker of Shropshire Council for the ensuing year.

4. Declarations of Interest

5. Minutes
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 February 2010, attached marked 5. For further information contact Richard Thomas Tel: 01743 252725 Email:
(Minutes of 25 February 2010.pdf)

6. Announcements
To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker and Chief Executive may desire to lay before the Council.

7. Public Question Time
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.

8. Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, attached marked 8.
(Members Questions for Council.pdf)

9. Report of the Political Structures Monitoring Group
Report of Chief Executive is attached marked 9. (Report of the Political Sturctures Monitoring Group.pdf, Appendix 1 Review of Exec Scrutiny at Council Mtgs.pdf, Appendix 2 Media Protocol.pdf)
Contact Kim Ryley (01743 252702)

10. Constitution of Committees and the Allocation of Seats to Political Groups
To agree the constitution of committees and the allocation of seats between Political Groups. Report of Assistant Chief Executive - Legal and Democratic Services, is attached marked 10. For further information contact Richard Thomas: Tel: 01743 252725 Email:
(Political Balance.pdf, Political balance Appendix 1.pdf, Political balance Appendix 2.pdf)

11. Membership of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee with Telford and Wrekin Council
Report of Director of Community Services is attached marked 11. (Membership of the Jnt HOandSC with Telford and Wrekin.pdf)
Contact Val Beint (01743 253701)

12. Scheme of Delegation
The Leader to propose that the scheme of delegations, as set out in Part 8 of the Constitution be agreed. (Please refer to your copy of the Constitution.)

13. Meetings of Council
The Leader to propose that in 2010/2011, Council meetings be held on the following Thursdays commencing at 10 am: 24 June 2010; 22 July 2010; 30 September 2010; 14 October 2010; 9 December 2010; 24 February 2011; and 12 May 2011.

14. Leader and Portfolio Holders - Statements
To receive Statements from the Leader and the Portfolio Holders for Strategic Planning & Transport and Housing, attached marked 14. In accordance with Procedure Rule 15, up to 40 minutes will be allocated to the presentations, members' questions and their supplementaries.
(Leaders Statement.pdf, Portfolio Holder Report Strategic Planning and Transportation.pdf, Portfolio Holder Report Housing.pdf)

15. Report of the Scrutiny Committees
To receive a report from the Chief Executive, attached marked 15, and from the Chair of the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee, attached marked 15(i). In accordance with Procedure Rule 15, up to 20 minutes will be allocated for the presentation, questions and supplementaries.
(Report of the Scrutiny Committees.pdf, App A Sosc Statement to Council.pdf, App B CYPS Statement to Council.doc, App C Com Statement to Council.pdf, App D Dev Statement to Council.pdf, App E Health Statement to Council.pdf)

16. Motions
The following motion has been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16: 16.1 Received from Mr K Barrow: "Shropshire Council wholly supports the principles of fair trading throughout the world and will seek to promote this cause both within the Council and by encouraging local businesses, commercial outlets and other public agencies to support this initiative." A background report is attached, marked 16.
(Fairtrade Motion Report.pdf, SC Fairtrade Letter 2.pdf)

17. Report of the Meeting of the West Mercia Police Authority
To receive the report of the West Mercia Police Authority attached marked 17. Contact Ian Payne Tel: 01743 264691
(West Mercia Police Authority.pdf)

18. Report of the Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Combined Fire Authority
To receive the report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Combined Fire Authority attached marked 18. Contact Sharon Lloyd Tel: 01743 260200
(Fire and Rescue Authority.pdf)

Committee Officer is Ken James
Tel: 01743 252899    Fax:

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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