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Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th February, 2011

Capital Monitoring - Period 9


The purpose of this report was to inform Members of the current position regarding the Council’s 2010/11 to 2014/15 capital programme taking into account the latest monitoring information on the progress of the schemes, any budget increases/decreases and the re-profiling of budgets between 2010/11 and future years. The report also reported the current position in respect to the prudential indicators approved by Council on 25th February 2010. The report reflects:

§ The re-profiled 2010/11 capital programme budget;

§ The expenditure to date;

§ The projected outturn figures for 2010/11; and

§ The current funding of the programme and its future affordability.

Cabinet - 02/15/2011

James Walton - Cabinet


Members were asked to:

A. Approve the budget variations to the 2010/11 capital programme, totalling £3.5m as included in Appendix 1&3a/Table 1 and the re-profiled 2010/11 capital budget of £98.5m.

B. Approve the re-profiled capital budgets of £110.3m for 2011/12, £50.4m for 2012/13, £46.1m for 2013/14 and £44.1m for 2014/15 as detailed in Appendix Two and changes in Appendix 3b.

C. Note spend to date of £54,237,781, representing 55% of the revised capital budget for 2010/11, with 75% of the year having elapsed (Appendix 1).

D. Note the ongoing work by officers to bring forward proposals to match the programme to the available resources and in doing so reducing the over commitment on capital receipts and the ongoing revenue costs associated with the current level of prudential borrowing. A revised capital budget report will be presented to Cabinet 15th February for consideration. This will also incorporate the confirmed Government Grant allocations for the period 2011/12 to 2014/15.

E. Note the position regarding the prudential indicators and the requirement to update these indicators as part of the Treasury Strategy Report 2011/12, to be presented to Council 24th February 2011.

Decisions reached:

As per the recommendations above.

Directorate Officer is James Walton
Tel: 01743 255011

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713
Email: Penny Chamberlain/EXTERNAL/SHROPSHIRE-CC


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