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Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th February, 2011

New Shropshire Schools Funding Formula


Cabinet was asked to consider feedback from consultation on proposals for a new schools’ funding formula for distributing Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) to all maintained schools in Shropshire. The 6 week consultation period with schools ended on the 28th January 2011. The Schools Forum had been instrumental in the development of the new formula and fully supported its implementation. This paper and recommendations contained within it supplemented and took into account proposed changes for school organisation in Shropshire.

Cabinet was asked to accept, reject or propose changes to the new schools’ funding formula and, if accepted, to agree a phased implementation with transitional arrangements applied for one financial year to allow schools to plan and prepare for changes in their funding allocations. The principles and criteria used to design and construct the new formula were included in Appendix A to this report.

Transitional relief examples were tabled at the meeting which included 6 options for funding that were considered by Cabinet on 27th January 2011. Members were also advised that options A,C and E assumed one year transition/phasing with full implementation in year 2. The Schools Forum strongely recommended C (60%) or E (50%). They concluded that Cabinet should make the decision on which option to choose.

Cabinet - 02/15/2011

David Taylor - Cabinet


1. To consider the outcomes of the consultation with schools including the recommendations of School Forum. Consultation responses are summarised within Appendix B.

2. To approve, amend or reject the new schools’ funding formula as supported by Schools Forum.

3. If approved, to agree to phase the implementation of a new funding formula beginning 1st April 2011.

Decisions reached:

1. That, it be noted that the outcomes of the consultation with schools including the recommendations of the Schools Forum and summarised in Appendix B, were considered during members discussions on the report.

2. That, the new schools' funding formula as supported by the Schools Forum be approved.

3. That, the implementation of a new funding formula be phased in from 1st April 2011, with 60% transitonal relief being applied in 2011/12 and the formula changes being fully implemented from 1st April 2012 as per Option C.

Directorate Officer is David Taylor
Tel: 01743 253402

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713
Email: Penny Chamberlain/EXTERNAL/SHROPSHIRE-CC


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