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Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th February, 2011

Schools Organisation in Shropshire - Report on Consultations and Identification of Next Steps


This report set out the outcomes from the recent extensive consultation with schools and identified the proposed next steps in the review of school organisation in Shropshire. Underpinning this report was the fundamental need to deliver excellent education in Shropshire. The report identified:

· the exceptional cross party working that had taken place to deliver the common aim of providing a sustainable solution to delivering excellent education in Shropshire;

· the extensive consultation carried out across the whole of Shropshire to agree a new vision for education together and develop a policy and criteria to drive the vision forward;

· responses to the recent consultation with headteachers and governors;

· opportunities for closer working between schools which would improve the quality of education for young people and achieve more efficient use of resources;

· potential changes to school organisation which had been identified by schools which would improve the quality of education and deliver financial savings and/or;

· potential changes to school organisation which had been identified by officers which would improve the quality of education and deliver financial savings;

· how the new school organisation policy proposals related to planned changes to the Shropshire Schools local funding formula. This had also been subject to county wide consultation with schools with proposals for implementing a new funding formula contained in a separate Cabinet report.

Cabinet - 02/15/2011

David Taylor - Cabinet


That Members, in accordance with Council policy to maintain and to continue to improve excellent education in Shropshire for all pupils whilst maintaining a sustainable network of schools:

A. Approve further consultation on each of the potential school organisation changes set out in section 6 and summarised in Appendix E;

B. Authorise the Director of People’s Services to support schools proposing new partnership and organisation models from within existing resources.

That Members note:

C. The comments arising from the consultation;

D. The timetable for further consultation set out in Appendix G.

Decisions reached:

As per the recommendations above.

Directorate Officer is David Taylor
Tel: 01743 252402

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713
Email: Penny Chamberlain/EXTERNAL/SHROPSHIRE-CC


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