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Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th February, 2011

Broadband in Shropshire

This report provided background on Broadband issues effecting communities and businesses in Shropshire and outlined a suggested means of addressing them. The report explained the need for a comprehensive Broadband Strategy and action plan to provide the context and content for a bid to Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK). It explained the urgency of this due to an expected bid deadline of end of March 2011. It went on to look at a road map of what needed to be accomplished over the next to months.

It lastly provided the headings for a Broadband strategy so that what was required was more clearly understood.

Members’ agreement was sought for the submission of a BDUK Wave 2 bid and for authority to be delegated to the Corporate Director Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for ICT and Economy, Finance and Waste to approve the submission of the bid on behalf of Shropshire Council.

Reference was also made to the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee and confirmation given as follows

(a) Mr Martin Taylor-Smith was the single member responsible for all aspects of Information Technology, but due to the significant importance of this issue, Mr Mike Owen was jointly helping to take the matter of "Broadband in Shropshire" forward as Portfolio Holder for the Economy.

(b) Guidance would be published on 9th March 2011, with any funding bid to BDUK needing to be submitted by the Council by the end of March.

Cabinet - 02/15/2011

Mark Pembleton - Cabinet


It was recommended that:-

A .Cabinet notes the issues pertaining to Broadband in Shropshire and the opportunities to address them through a bid for funding.

B. Authority is delegated to the Corporate Director Places, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for ICT and Economy, Finance and Waste, to approve the submission of the BDUK Wave 2 bid by 31st March 2011.

C. Cabinet agrees the Road Map including the Round Table with BT and notes the formation of a project team with a project sponsor and manager with immediate effect.

Decisions reached:

As per the recommendations above.

Directorate Officer is Mark Pembleton
Tel: 01743 252593

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713
Email: Penny Chamberlain/EXTERNAL/SHROPSHIRE-CC


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