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Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th February, 2011

Reports of Scrutiny Committees


Cabinet received the report and recommendations from the Enterprise and Growth Scrutiny Committee on issues around Broadband in Shropshire which had been agreed at their meeting on 10th January 2011.

Members' attention was also drawn to the report by the Corporate Director - Places on "Broadband in Shropshire" which was due to be considered later in the meeting.

Cabinet - 02/15/2011

Tom McCabe - Cabinet


Cabinet were asked to consider the recommendations set out below:

A recommend to Cabinet that a single Member of Cabinet be responsible for all aspects of Information Technology,

B endorse the broadband solution in Shropshire as a combination of fibre-optic, wireless and satellite and achieved in partnership with commercial and private sector partners, while being mindful of potential problems relating to the use of the Shropshire Broadband Network.

C recommend that a Broadband Strategy and Action Plan for Shropshire be developed as a matter of urgency including the prioritisation of action towards proven and real need

D endorse the proposals for early setting up of high-level workshops with the major broadband providers based around alternative technologies to get their input to the strategy and action plan. Also to accept the proposal of Ian Binks, Regional Manager, BT, to host a Shropshire Round Table event and to liaise with him in developing a next generation plan for submission in a funding bid to BDUK

E strongly endorse the sentiments in the Chief Executive's letter of 16 December 2010 to BT and write a similar letter of its own

F add the draft Broadband Strategy and action plan to its work programme in May for consideration before it is approved by Cabinet

G receive a progress report on development of the Strategy and consider the plans for and receive an update on proposed consultation at its next meeting in March

H ask that the issue of speed of broadband and next generation access be addressed in the Strategy, as well as the issue of access

I ask that consideration be given to making broadband available to members of the public at schools.

Decisions reached:

That the recommendations in the Scrutiny Committee's report be noted at this stage and be considered later in the meeting during Cabinet's deliberations on the report by the Corporate Director - Place on Broadband in Shropshire.

(See Decision23 - Broadband in Shropshire.)

Directorate Officer is Tom McCabe
Tel: 01743 255002

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713
Email: Penny Chamberlain/EXTERNAL/SHROPSHIRE-CC


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