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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th February, 2011

Medium Term Financial Plan - Strategic Framework of Priorities for the Re-shaping of the Role of the Council and Re-design of Service Delivery


This report by the Chief Executive set out a framework and rationale for later detailed decisions by Members on the remainder of the overall spending reductions required of the Council over the next three years, in response to major cuts in Government funding. It buillt on, and was consistent with, the earlier report on the Council's Medium Term Financial Plan for 2011-14, which was considered by Cabinet on 9 November 2010.

Members’ agreement was sought to this proposed approach to the delivery of the final stage of our MTFP, covering the period of 2012/13 and 2013/14. Details of the resource changes and allocations necessary to support this were set out in a separate Budget paper for Members.

Cabinet - 02/15/2011

Kim Ryley - Cabinet


It was recommended that:-

2.1 Council managers and staff work up detailed action plans for the implementation of the changes in service delivery set in this report, subject to appropriate scrutiny and consultation, where necessary, in order to deliver our Medium Term Financial Plan; and

2.2 Appropriate actions be taken to communicate these decisions to local residents and businesses, to our partner organisations, and to our staff.

Decisions reached:

As per the recommendations above.

Directorate Officer is Kim Ryley
Tel: 01743 252702

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713
Email: Penny Chamberlain/EXTERNAL/SHROPSHIRE-CC


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