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Meeting documents

Decision Making Session by Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning (Central)
Wednesday, 18th September, 2013

Adoption of the Oswestry 2020 Plan


This report sought the endorsement of the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing & Commissioning (Central) for the adoption of the Oswestry 2020 Town Plan (the 2020 Plan) by Shropshire Council as a material consideration for development management purposes. The ultimate responsibility for planning policy adoption fell to full Council. A copy of the 2020 Plan had been placed in the members’ library and was available online at:

The 2020 Plan had been prepared as a community led plan by a steering group comprising local residents and community representatives, chaired by the Mayor. The content of the 2020 Plan had been informed by an extensive programme of public consultation events. The steering group should be congratulated for the preparation of a high quality document which provided an analysis of local strengths and opportunities and identified a clear vision, objectives and actions to guide the future of the town.

Shropshire Council had promoted community-led plans as a more sustainable model to the full-blown statutory process for neighbourhood development plans set out in the Localism Act. This meant that the 2020 Plan would not need to undergo a costly examination or referendum, but was instead given weight by the Local Planning Authority through the resolution of Shropshire Council to draw on it to help inform development management decisions and by ensuring that the SAMDev Development Plan helpd to deliver its vision and objectives.

Decision Making Session by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Housing and Commissioning Central - 09/18/2013

Andrew M Evans - Decision Making Session by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Housing and Commissioning Central


It was recommended in the report that the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing recommends to the full Council that the objectives and actions in the Oswestry 2020 Town Plan be endorsed and adopted as material considerations for development management purposes.

Reasons for decision:
To ensure that the Town Plan has been carefully considered before it is put before the full Council.

Decisions reached:

As per the recommendation in the report by the Head of Economic Growth and Prosperity and set out above.

Directorate Officer is Andrew M Evans
Tel: 01743 252003

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729   


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