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Meeting documents

Decision Making Session by Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning (Central)
Thursday, 25th July, 2013

Request to commence dialogue with Carillion Energy Savers to potentially become the Green Deal Delivery Party for Shropshire Council


1.1 The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and Green Deal (GD) have been introduced by the
Government as a means of improving the energy efficiency of homes, saving residents money,
reducing fuel poverty and cutting carbon emissions. They also present opportunities to deliver the
Council’s vision and priorities for inward investment, business growth and improving the wellbeing
of residents.

1.2 The GD is a financial mechanism open to all households. Retro-fit energy efficiency measures are
funded by a GD Provider in the form of a loan or charge to the property, which is paid back through
electricity bill payments. It works on the basis of the “Golden Rule” whereby the regular repayments
made via the energy bill must be less than or equal to the bill savings made. This means
that there should be no net increase in costs to the customer and they avoid upfront payments. As
the loan is paid off and utility prices rise, there is scope for increased savings.

1.3 Along with 33 other local authorities in the West Midlands, Shropshire Council opted in to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) process for the Birmingham Energy Savers (BES) Framework of which Carillion Energy Services (CES) is the appointed Green Deal Provider.

1.4 This report recommends the Council commences formal dialogue with CES, taking advantage of the BES Framework contract in order to maximise both ECO and GD opportunities and at the same time significantly reducing procurement costs.

1.5 During this period of dialogue Shropshire Council can withdraw from discussions at any point prior to a contract being signed.

1.6 Following the dialogue period, a report will be presented to Cabinet which will fully detail the CES offer and benefits to Shropshire. Subject to approval by Cabinet, the Shropshire Council Green Deal partnership would be approved and delivery by CES would commence.

1.7 This period of dialogue will be at no financial cost to Shropshire Council. CES have confirmed that they will cover in full any legal fees incurred by Shropshire Council in connection with the dialogue process.

Decision Making Session by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Housing and Commissioning Central - 07/25/2013

Andrew M Evans - Decision Making Session by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Housing and Commissioning Central


That approval is given to commence dialogue with CES utilising the Birmingham Energy Savers Framework contract, to coordinate local delivery of ECO and Green Deal opportunities. It is anticipated that dialogue would be concluded by end of November and at that time a further report would be presented to Cabinet which would detail the offer from CES.

Decisions reached:

As per the recommendation in the report and set out above.

Directorate Officer is Andrew M Evans
Tel: 01743 252503

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729   


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