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Decision details

Gatacre Playing Fields and Pavilion, Oswestry

Decision Maker: Decision Making Session by Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Support and I.T.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Support considered a report by the Head of Commercial Services on the Gatacre Playing Fields and Pavilion, Oswestry.


i)             That, in principle, the Cae Glas Cricket Club are granted a 30 year lease of the

Gatacre Playing Fields and Pavilion with delegated authority to the Head of

Commercial Services to agree final terms of the lease and to complete the transaction.


ii)            Delegated authority is given to the Head of Commercial Services to consider any objections received as a result of the statutory advertisement under the Local Government Act 1972 and to take the final decision as to disposal in light of those objections.


Reasons for decision:


1.         The organisation has used Gatacre since 1976, running two Saturday league teams and a midweek team. The organisation has undertaken public consultation which indicates clear local support for the facility, and increasing support if the pavilion was refurbished.


2.         The organisation has an established management structure.  The organisation has helped manage the pavilion for the last two years, and maintained the cricket square for the last ten years.  They advise that they will constitute a user management group to oversee future management and maintenance of the pavilion. Their financial accounts include adequate provision for maintenance, repairs and insurance.


3.         If the Council were to retain the pavilion it would need considerable investment   due to its present condition.


4.        The organisation have satisfied the criteria set out in the CAT policy.




Publication date: 25/08/2015

Date of decision: 25/08/2015

Decided at meeting: 25/08/2015 - Decision Making Session by Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Support and I.T.

Effective from: 05/09/2015

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