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Issue - meetings

Decommissioning of Shrop.Net

Meeting: 08/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 188)

188 Decommissioning of Shrop.Net - TO FOLLOW pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Lead Members - Cllr. Michael Wood - Portfolio Holder for Corporate Support


Report of the Director of Public Health


Contact: Rod Thomson       01743 252003





That, given the age, costs and dwindling usage of the service, Shrop.NET be decommissioned at the end of its current support and hosting contract on 14 June 2016.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Support presented a report by the Director of Public Health – copy attached to the signed Minutes – seeking the decommissioning of the Shrop.NET website that had provided free websites to community groups and Town and Parish Councils for over ten years but was now outdated in terms of design options and similar or better functionality was now available through other online services.


A Member commented that Town and Parish Councils had accrued costs from this website although the majority had not received similar feedback from Town/Parish Councils.  Another Member commented that the service was diminishing and many Town and Parish Councils had set up their own websites.




That, given the age, costs and dwindling usage of the service, Shrop.NET be decommissioned at the end of its current support and hosting contract on 14 June 2016.


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