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Issue - meetings

Treasury Strategy 2015/16 - Mid Year Review

Meeting: 30/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 88)

88 Treasury Strategy 2015/16 - Mid Year Review pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Malcolm Pate – Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Financial Strategy, Budget and Business Plan.


Report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer]


Contact: James Walton      Tel: 01743 258915


Additional documents:




i)             That the position as detailed in the report be noted;

ii)            That it be noted that any capital schemes brought forward that would impact on the current Strategy would need Council approval.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Financial Strategy, Budget and Business Plan presented a report from the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer] providing details of the Council’s treasury management activities for the first six months of 2016/17.  He congratulated the Council’s internal treasury management team who were getting excellent results.  Another Member echoed these sentiments and added that the additional money made from prudent investments could be used to invest in services.


Responding to a Member’s comments, the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer] advised that, in order to mitigate any risk, no funds were invested for more than 12 months.  He drew attention to the investment list on p64 of the reports pack and stated that there was always cash available to draw on on a daily basis.




i)             That the position as detailed in the report be noted;

ii)            That it be noted that any capital schemes brought forward that would impact on the current Strategy would need Council approval.


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