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Issue - meetings

Asset Assurance Board for Star Housing

Meeting: 21/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 101)

101 Asset Assurance Board for Star Housing pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Malcolm Price - Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing, Regulatory Services and Environment.


Report of the Director of Adult Services


Contact: Andy Begley         Tel: 01743 258911

Additional documents:




      i.        That the Housing Governance Board set up to deliver the appropriate governance has changed its name to that of the Asset Assurance Board be noted and that this change needs to be reflected in the Council’s Constitution;


    ii.        That the Housing Governance Board’s overarching advisory role to inform Cabinet/Council on developing and discharging the Council’s Housing Strategy, be transferred to the existing Social Housing Forum in recognition of the Asset Assurance Board more business focussed approach, and that this change needs to be reflected in the Council’s Constitution.


   iii.        That the Governance Framework and the Terms of Reference recommended to them by the Asset Assurance Board on 5th Oct 2016 be agreed;


   iv.        That the Director of Adult Services (housing portfolio) in conjunction with the Monitoring Officer be asked to prepare a report to Council concerning amendments to the Constitution to reflect the changes identified in the report.




The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing, Regulatory Services and the Environment presented a report from the Director of Adult Services on the governance framework and terms of reference recommended by the newly established Asset Assurance Board and the arrangements relating to Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing (ST&RH].  In acknowledging the new arrangements relating to ST&RH, a Member urged that action needed to be taken to finally resolve current sewerage issues with some properties in the Bridgnorth area.  The Portfolio Holder acknowledged the current problems and agreed that a fair resolution needed to be achieved for the benefit of those living in both ST&RH properties and those living in their own properties that had been purchased during the right to buy initiative.




      i.        That the Housing Governance Board set up to deliver the appropriate governance has changed its name to that of the Asset Assurance Board be noted and that this change needs to be reflected in the Council’s Constitution;


    ii.        That the Housing Governance Board’s overarching advisory role to inform Cabinet/Council on developing and discharging the Council’s Housing Strategy, be transferred to the existing Social Housing Forum in recognition of the Asset Assurance Board more business focussed approach, and that this change needs to be reflected in the Council’s Constitution.


   iii.        That the Governance Framework and the Terms of Reference recommended to them by the Asset Assurance Board on 5th Oct 2016 be agreed;


   iv.        That the Director of Adult Services (housing portfolio) in conjunction with the Monitoring Officer be asked to prepare a report to Council concerning amendments to the Constitution to reflect the changes identified in the report.




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