Issue - meetings
Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Meeting: 21/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 22)
22 Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy, 2018 to 2023 PDF 138 KB
Lead Member – Councillor Lezley Picton – Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure
Report of the Director of Place and Enterprise
Contact: George Candler Tel: 01742 255003
Additional documents:
- 12 Appendix 1 - Outcomes to Public Consultation, item 22 PDF 113 KB
- 12 Appendix 2 Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy, item 22 PDF 1 MB
- 12 Appendix 4 - ESIIA Leisure Strategy, item 22 PDF 221 KB
i) That the Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy 2018 to 2023, be approved; and
ii) That authority be delegated to the Director of Place and Enterprise, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure and a broad range of interested parties, to co-develop, implement and review a detailed five year Action Plan linked to the delivery of the Strategy.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure presented a report from the Director of Place and Enterprise seeking approval for an Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy for Shropshire. She stressed that the Council needed to prioritise its financial support for the future in this service area.
In response to a Member’s comments relating to the retention of swimming facilities in the centre of Shrewsbury, the Leader stated that he was unable to give assurances at this time but he would investigate the retention of swimming facilities in the centre of the town.
Referring to section 4 of the report and Tier 3 Community Leisure Centres, the Portfolio Holder stated that three of the six Community Leisure Centres listed were still under the Council’s direct management but the aim was to achieve a cost neutral position to the Council by the end of 2018/19. A Member commented that she could see no reason why the respective local Parish Councils would not wish to support such good facilities in their own areas. The Portfolio Holder agreed and added that management of such facilities by local community groups was often beneficial to the facility.
Members noted the intention to hold an event in September 2017 to co-design the Action Plan with local communities and report the outcomes of this event to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.
i) That the Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy 2018 to 2023, be approved; and
ii) That authority be delegated to the Director of Place and Enterprise, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure and a broad range of interested parties, to co-develop, implement and review a detailed five year Action Plan linked to the delivery of the Strategy.