Issue - meetings
Development of Specialist Educational Needs and Disability Resource Provision Within Schools
Meeting: 25/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 33)
Lead Member – Councillor N Bardsley – Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People
Report of the Director of Children’s Services TO FOLLOW
Contact: Karen Bradshaw Tel: 01743 254201
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1shropshire-needs-assessment-2017-v1, item 33
- Appendix 2 specialist-provision-strategic-review-and-development-plan-v3, item 33
PDF 414 KB
- Appendix 3 strategic-review-discussion-document-v2, item 33
- Appendix 4 strategic-review-questionnaire-results, item 33
PDF 150 KB
· That the recommendations outlined in the Specialist Provision Strategic Review and Development Plan 2018-22 be acknowledged and approved, as attached at Appendix 2.
That it be noted that the ongoing consultation at Whittington CE
Primary School ends on the 29th July 2018 and delegates authority
to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with
the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People to determine,
subject to the results of the consultation, the proposed prescribed
o That the consultation on the remaining projects set out in paragraph 4.1 from September 2018 be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People to determine, subject to the statutory consultations, the proposed prescribed alterations.
o That a further report will be made to Cabinet as appropriate, to update on the progress of this work.
In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, the Deputy Leader presented a report from the Director of Children’s Services.
The Deputy Portfolio Holder for Education was present and drew attention to the funding available to increase the number of school places for those with SEND [children and young people aged 0-25]. He added that an extensive consultation was being undertaken and four schools had been identified so far to provide additional school places in accordance with the conditions of the grant. The Director of Children’s Services added that this was a positive development that would allow the children concerned to be nearer home and be with their peers.
Responding to a Member’s query and referring to page 19 of the ‘Specialist Provision Strategic Review and Development Plan 2018-22’, the Director of Children’s Services stated that a new Free school for pupils with Social Emotional and Mental Health difficulties and associated Autism Spectrum conditions was actively being pursued. Members noted that an outline proposal would be submitted to the DfE in mid-October.
- That the recommendations outlined in the Specialist Provision Strategic Review and Development Plan 2018-22 be acknowledged and approved, as attached at Appendix 2.
- That it be noted
that the ongoing consultation at Whittington CE Primary School ends
on the 29th July 2018 and delegates authority to the Director of
Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder
for Children and Young People to determine, subject to the results
of the consultation, the proposed prescribed alterations.
iii. That the consultation on the remaining projects set out in paragraph 4.1 from September 2018 be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People to determine, subject to the statutory consultations, the proposed prescribed alterations.
iv. That a further report will be made to Cabinet as appropriate, to update on the progress of this work.