Issue - meetings
New Parking Strategy Framework Traffic Regulation Order - Ludlow and Shrewsbury - Changes to On-Street Pay and Display and Loading Bays
Meeting: 25/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 34)
Lead Member – Councillor S Davenport – Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways
Report of the Head of Infrastructure and Communities
Contact: Chris Edwards Tel: 01743 258912
Additional documents:
That approval is given for the making of the required Traffic Regulation Order for the proposed changes to On-Street Pay and Display and Loading in Ludlow and Shrewsbury as follows:
i. To extend the hours of operation and charging on all on-street pay & display parking places, and the hours of operation of the loading bays to 8pm, within the Shrewsbury town centre river loop.
ii. To retain the hours of operation and charging on all shared use pay and display /residents parking permit parking places within the Red Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) at 6.00pm within Ludlow town centre.
iii. The introduction of standard banding levels and new linear hourly tariffs in Ludlow as proposed within the Red CPZ and Blue area shared use pay and display /residents parking permit on-street parking places.
iv. To remove all existing restrictions on periods of maximum stay and minimum return within the Red CPZ and Blue area shared use pay and display /residents parking permit parking places in Ludlow.
v. To provide a free 5-minute concessionary parking period in both Shrewsbury and Ludlow town centres, within all the on street pay & display parking places.
The Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways presented a report from the Head of Infrastructure and Communities that considered the responses received during the recent formal consultation relating to proposed changes to on street pay and display and loading Traffic Regulation Order in Ludlow and Shrewsbury.
Councillor Andy Boddington stated that he, together with the Mayor of Ludlow, had met the Portfolio Holder in Ludlow to discuss the proposed changes to parking charges. He added that the Portfolio Holder had stated that, after the Ludlow meeting, he had proposed changes to the parking regime to Officers. The Portfolio Holder responded that it was now proposed that the hours of operation and charging on all shared use pay and display/residents’ parking permit parking places within the Red Controlled Parking Zone within Ludlow town centre be retained i.e. to 6.00pm.
Some Members were concerned that the Portfolio Holder had not had a similar walk round and discussion of the issues with the local Members in Shrewsbury. The Portfolio Holder stated that changes had been made as a result of the consultation process.
Referring to paragraph 6.3.7 of the report, a Member queried whether more Enforcement Officers would be employed as the introduction of extended restrictions and charging could result in people starting to park dangerously to avoid payment. The Leader commented that scrutiny had the option of examining the impact of the proposed changes in 6 to 12 months’ time.
That approval is given for the making of the required Traffic Regulation Order for the proposed changes to On-Street Pay and Display and Loading in Ludlow and Shrewsbury as follows:
i. To extend the hours of operation and charging on all on-street pay & display parking places, and the hours of operation of the loading bays to 8pm, within the Shrewsbury town centre river loop.
ii. To retain the hours of operation and charging on all shared use pay and display /residents parking permit parking places within the Red Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) at 6.00pm within Ludlow town centre.
iii. The introduction of standard banding levels and new linear hourly tariffs in Ludlow as proposed within the Red CPZ and Blue area shared use pay and display /residents parking permit on-street parking places.
iv. To remove all existing restrictions on periods of maximum stay and minimum return within the Red CPZ and Blue area shared use pay and display /residents parking permit parking places in Ludlow.
v. To provide a free 5-minute concessionary parking period in both Shrewsbury and Ludlow town centres, within all the on street pay & display parking places.